The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Ok well at that age I would expect them to start laying well again as the daylight gets longer.
I have some that age that won't stop laying even through the molt and some that will take a good 3 months off occasionally.
The more I think about it 4.5 months to molt and return to laying? Doesn't sound right to me. We shal see. Just getting a bit discouraged. I paid a lot for them and was told they had plenty of production left and were proven breeders that have hatched hundreds of chicks from
The more I think about it 4.5 months to molt and return to laying? Doesn't sound right to me. We shal see. Just getting a bit discouraged. I paid a lot for them and was told they had plenty of production left and were proven breeders that have hatched hundreds of chicks from

Just wanted to chime in here......
...... If they were part of Greenfires original imports there are several years old. Prime production would be the first or second year but they could continue to lay up to 8 years old, just not as many or as often and molts will be longer and longer.

I had some aged layers that would stop laying in September and didn't lay again till March (I tried everything). I think yours will be fine. They are not going to be prime producers anymore but I believe you will get lots of beautiful chicklets from them. Good luck!

Hope everyone has a wonderful (and safe) New Year!
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I have some orps that are older too. They refuse to lay in the winter. Even if I put lights on them, they will rest. Next Spring they lay hugh eggs. Not as many but they lay.

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