The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

You definitely do need to get down to their level to try to get a picture that shows their size better. Whenever I do a "photo shoot," I'm crawling around all over the yard, scooting around on my behind...this method does NOT bode well if you don't want chicken pooh on your clothes !! LOL. I have a couple of "outfits" that I use only for "photo shoots." LOL. Suffice it to say that when I'm taking chicken pictures, it is NOT a pretty site
I know exactly what you mean! It really does help to get down at their level, though. It creates less distortion so you can see the true beauty of the bird.

BTW I was out the day after Christmas when we had the first snow and was laying flat out on the snow taking pictures.
Naw. I think we are all just tired of winter already. So I have been looking at seed and chick catalogs. Gardening magazines, anything to help me make it through the coldest days.
Same here Tonya. I'm tired of the cold and nasty weather. Today it was sunny and 58 degrees !! Though it was quite windy. We went out and sat with the chickens for several hours. The boys were quite "frisky" today so if my girls will start cooperating and lay me some eggs, I will fire up the old bator and get down to the business of hatching !!!

I did take some pictures today, so I might try to post a few later.

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