The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread


I would love to see pictures of your Orps here on our thread!

Joy, the Gold Laced are cute... maybe all of those pullet thoughts I sent your way actually worked. I do think I have some sort of magical gift when it comes to only hatching girls.

Yeah, yeah, yeah - rub it in Jeremy

I'd like to see the pictures too MommaOrp.

I would love to see pictures of your Orps here on our thread!

Joy, the Gold Laced are cute... maybe all of those pullet thoughts I sent your way actually worked. I do think I have some sort of magical gift when it comes to only hatching girls.

Yeah, yeah, yeah - rub it in Jeremy

I'd like to see the pictures too MommaOrp.

I'm telling you, everyone should just start sending me eggs if they want girls. I'll hatch 'em out and then ship the chicks back and voila! In a few weeks everyone will have a flock of pretty pullets running around.

Of the 71 birds I currently have, 6 are roos. Claude and Neville, my two flock sires and then I've got 3 Ameraucana cockerels and 1 Rhode Island Red cockerel growing out, we're gonna eat him though.

I don't know what I'm going to do with all of these girls!
Yeah, yeah, yeah - rub it in Jeremy

I'd like to see the pictures too MommaOrp.

I'm telling you, everyone should just start sending me eggs if they want girls. I'll hatch 'em out and then ship the chicks back and voila! In a few weeks everyone will have a flock of pretty pullets running around.

Of the 71 birds I currently have, 6 are roos. Claude and Neville, my two flock sires and then I've got 3 Ameraucana cockerels and 1 Rhode Island Red cockerel growing out, we're gonna eat him though.

I don't know what I'm going to do with all of these girls!

You're going to put them in a pretty box with LIVE ANIMALS on the side and ship them to Kansas!!

And thank you in advance!
Hi folks- I am looking for show quality Buff Orpington pictures I can use to paint from- I had a request for them, and looking over this thread there are such wonderful photos! I have a hatchery BO, but she obviously is different that what I am seeing here... these are stunning birds! Almost remind me of Wynodottes
As promised, a few of my thoroughly english orps, from right here in the U.K. My babies are a bit rough round the edges at the moment thanks to my randy roo's and the lack of protective saddles.

Buff, she's missing a few feathers around her tail

Fluffy, my main man

Murtle, my feisty momma, shes missing a few head feathers!

I will post some more when they are all back on top form after ive rearranged the breeding pens and invested in those saddles!! Hope i'm not disappointing too much!!
Joy I uploaded to photobucket now how do I choose photobucket to upload to byc? Never mind I read the directions!!
Here you can see the spectrum of blues I have. There are blacks in there also.



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