The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

here are some pictures I just took right now. Possibly any drakes? I'd be happy with one drake or no drakes lol
I would REALLY like a drake, but our drakes loud? We liked the Muscovy ducks because they were really quiet...but the khaki Campbells were better looking and were better egg layers. We have, two light colored, average size ducks then one small dark duck (hopefully not a ratio of 2 males lol)

Drakes are actually much quieter than the girls. They have a quiet raspy/froggy sounding quack. Girls are the noisy loud ones who make the actual quack sound.
I would REALLY like a drake, but our drakes loud? We liked the Muscovy ducks because they were really quiet...but the khaki Campbells were better looking and were better egg layers. We have, two light colored, average size ducks then one small dark duck (hopefully not a ratio of 2 males lol)

My drake is MUCH quieter than my hens, lol. Drakes have a low, raspy quack, as opposed to the loud, classic quacks of hens.
Drakes are actually much quieter than the girls. They have a quiet raspy/froggy sounding quack. Girls are the noisy loud ones who make the actual quack sound.

My drake is MUCH quieter than my hens, lol. Drakes have a low, raspy quack, as opposed to the loud, classic quacks of hens.

Ok well that's good lol
Are drakes good protectors like roosters?

Can anyone tell me the sex of the ducklings in the picture? The feed store says females but you know the feed stores can't always be 100% sure lol we've gotten a few roosters from a batch of supposedly females.
here are some pictures I just took right now. Possibly any drakes? I'd be happy with one drake or no drakes lol

In my 3 khakis- i have two boys and one girl it seems. They are 4 1/2 weeks now.
2 were dark / 1 much lighter : one dark is a girl. One dark and one light are boys
2 were large/ one was the smallest: the smallest a girl.
Two had a dark bill, one had pink tip at the end/bean : the one with pinkish bean/ tip of bill is a boy and one of the dark ones is a boy. The girl had a solid colored beak from day one
The head shape- i have one boy and one girl with the same shape of head.
And one boy with a diff shape head rounder
Tail: (i had pekins before and the boys tail tipped up and girl down) the khakis held their tail all the same since day 1
And they have their tails in now and two look the same- one boy and one girl. And then one boy looks diff.
I observe so closely on a daily basis and have tried to find something to differentiate the boys and girls from early on. Nothing worked for us.
The only reason i can tell so easily now is the girl started to get in her girl voice a week or two ago. And now at 4 1/2 weeks has a very obvious girl voice/ quack.
The two boys are very quiet, still mostly peeping but seem to be getting quieter by the day.
When startled they are super quiet and the girl is super loud.
Ok well that's good lol
Are drakes good protectors like roosters?

Can anyone tell me the sex of the ducklings in the picture? The feed store says females but you know the feed stores can't always be 100% sure lol we've gotten a few roosters from a batch of supposedly females.

I do beleive some say that yes drakes are protecive of their girls. I have never kept one long enough to know.
Maybe your feed store specifically ordered girl ducklings? That would be awesome.
Our feed stores only sell straight run ducklings. Im glad i ordered 10 females. hopefully yours will be girls.
I was happy i got just one girl from the 3 i bought at the feed store. Last year out of two batches of ducklings- the first batch of 6- all boys. Second batch of 6 - 3 girls
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In my 3 khakis- i have two boys and one girl it seems. They are 4 1/2 weeks now.
2 were dark / 1 much lighter : one dark is a girl. One dark and one light are boys
2 were large/ one was the smallest: the smallest a girl.
Two had a dark bill, one had pink tip at the end/bean : the one with pinkish bean/ tip of bill is a boy and one of the dark ones is a boy. The girl had a solid colored beak from day one
The head shape- i have one boy and one girl with the same shape of head.
And one boy with a diff shape head rounder
Tail: (i had pekins before and the boys tail tipped up and girl down) the khakis held their tail all the same since day 1
And they have their tails in now and two look the same- one boy and one girl. And then one boy looks diff.
I observe so closely on a daily basis and have tried to find something to differentiate the boys and girls from early on. Nothing worked for us.
The only reason i can tell so easily now is the girl started to get in her girl voice a week or two ago. And now at 4 1/2 weeks has a very obvious girl voice/ quack.
The two boys are very quiet, still mostly peeping but seem to be getting quieter by the day.
When startled they are super quiet and the girl is super loud.
I have two that match the description of boys and one that matches the female....oh let's hope one of the ones that might be a boy turns out to be a girl. I have one large one, then medium, then small.
I have two that match the description of boys and one that matches the female....oh let's hope one of the ones that might be a boy turns out to be a girl. I have one large one, then medium, then small.

From ur photos my first guess was two boys and one girl. But thats purely... my guess. I always pick in my head right away which ones i think.. sometimes for no reason other than i just have that feeling lol.
I hope you have more than one girl. :)

All these babies! My dark female, Mammy Duck, has been laying eggs in the corner of the chicken coop. I discovered this morning she has made a nest and is covering her eggs! I think I have a broody duck, and hope to have ducklings!

Any advice for having a duck laying ducklings in a chicken coop?!


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