The Mad Ramblings of a Cancer Patient!!

MY Dear Coyote,
You are in my prayers.It's funny how people are,I'm sure none of us know you,but feel so much saddness for you and your family .Keep up good thoughts and try and have a sense of humor(thats easy for someone who's not in your shoes to say,isn't it?)Everyone here,on this site knows from your posts,that you are a wonderful,fun,lady.You're in our thoughts, SUNBURY CHICK(OHIO) God will get you thru this....
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. (chickens included)

I have to say you sound like you have such a wonderful attitude and you did the best thing in the world by sharing your life. We all can learn and grow from sharing ourselves with others. You are not alone in this as you can see by all the posts.

The blog is such a great tool. On days when you don't feel like answering the phone or lots of email, you can post one brief-or long-entry and everyone can be there with you as you go through this new Journey.

Not a journey that you signed up for but one, none the less, that you are now on. You will learn many things. Have good days and bad but again you have lots of people that are willing to go along with you. :aww

Beaks up-feathers out-now go scratch!!!

Sending prayers your way.
I too am a survivor of breast cancer. So many have said attitude is key. I truly believe that. Cancer can take so much if you let it. The day before we got my final results we lost my (step) Dad to cancer. It was so very hard for all of us to go thru it again. I felt so guilty doing that to my mother like I could help getting breast cancer. I did have both breast removed with no reconstruction surgery (We did all of my care with no insurance. I know now that my medical insurance will pay for reconstruction but hay I'm done nursing babies and my husband loves me ). a year and half later I had 3 doctors tell me I had Uterine (sp)cancer. When we got the biops back the doctors came in and told us I did not have cancer at that time . That if I had waited the week they wanted me to wait for the surgery I would have had cancer again. They said I was very lucky to be so hard head and insist on doing the surgery when we did. I count myself as 2 time survivor. I have lost so many family members to cancer. I lost my mother almost 3 years ago to lung cancer. just hold on to what ever it is you hold on to and know that you to will over come this. I'm sorry for such a long rant if you ever need some one to talk or yell at we are All here for you Just remember in your darkest moments you can get thru this too Also don't be afraid to let others help you and do things for you even those seemly small things
All of my hopes hugs and prayer to you in your time of need
My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

We found out in December that my Dad has cancer - stage 4, lung cancer - it is now in his spine, lymph nodes and liver. He starts chemo July 2nd. I just lost a man who I've know since I was a child to cancer. Seems like everywhere I turn someone has it.

Hopefully they caught it early and the treatments will work. You can overcome this, keep up the positive attitude and never give up.
Mt mother - in law was given 6 mos in 1985 after they removed most of her stomach and used a experimental material as a " new Stomach"
The surgeon came to her 80th Birthday and hopefully will be at her 90th this year .. I wish all the luck and life she has had....
Your warped sense of humor is one of your many strong points and the reason so
many of us have enjoyed your posts.

I have a few predictions:
1-You will really tick off many a doctor, nurse, technician.
2-You will make many more laugh.
3-You will get through this and add your name to the survivor's list
4-You will inspire others to do the same.

We love you here!!!

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