The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

Thats the kelso
That's the grey
That's the cochin

At least down yonder. We've never said

Whatever was responsible for the "leakage"

If its bad it's a Throwback
Leakage is any bird that is extended black based but not totally black.
Hence the word “leakage” because it is leaking through the black (there aren’t enough melanizers to make it totally black.)
Like a black crossed to a duckwing or a wheaten or a buff or something. Or just a black without enough melanizers.
It’s a phenotype.
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We don't say anything that's my point. If you have a chicken that to the standard is supposed to be pure white and if some red comes in on the wings or something you don't really have to say it's"leakage" cause you can see it. It's like obvious. If i bred let's say a claret and a grey and it comes out looking like a grey with red wings then if it has to be said cause someone is wondering why the grey has red wings then I'd say "it's the claret". I wouldn't say it's the " leakage" that sounds weird to me
Well when I had off-colored black and blue d’Anvers I called it leakage.
It’s a genetical term.
Now I don’t fuss with those colors anymore

I fuss with a lot of brassiness though in my cuckoos. 😢

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