The Moonshiner's Chick Chat

I think it's just that I've learned how to use the nr so well that makes me picky about the next one I get lol. But that's probably what I'm going to end up getting, a hovabator
Yes exactly! Every incubator seemed so good but i kept nitpicking them, i think i’m being wayy to picky but the NR 360 has my standards up high!
Nothing on this Earth makes me feel more stupid than trying to use excel.

Well I am depressed. Within the next 72 hours my Serama hen was suppose to hatch 2 eggs. I checked on her this morning and there was only one egg. I searched the coop high and low with no sign :hit
So sorry to hear that. My hens rolled eggs out of the nest that were bad or died later on, and it actually took me a long time to find them. If nothing got to her to take it like a predator, i wouldn’t be sad about it, it would probably mean the egg went bad.

Can you check to make sure its not buried? That happens quite easily.

Mom has taught them all how to dustbathe and preen! They are in the coop right now with the others, just separated since she doesn’t want to mix the babies with the others right yet.

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