i found one! an 11 month old pullet, same breed! she’s not free but she is beautiful and i can get her probably by tomorrow ! yay! thanks God . I feel so bad for Stella tonight. She has to sleep all alone in her little 4 x 4 coop tonight . I can’t put her in the big house with the ducks because there’s no roost in there and even if I put one in it would be too high up and she would get the drafts from the windows, so she has to be sad tonight. I feel so bad for her, lonely girl. she was there when her sister died and she saw the whole thing. Do you think she understands what happened?
So happy that you found one!!!! Yes I do believe that they realize when something happens to a flock mate. I hope she is happy with her new friend. I had a female rabbit mourn herself to death when a dog jumped the fence and killed her brother. I feel animals sense death and mourn just like we do when we lose someone. When I take my one duckling out of the brooder the other one cries for it until it returns. I pray all works out well for you.
Beginning of week 2 of the guinea experiment. I swear they haven't grown A bit but two jumped out of the brooder. the two left were raising heck. I am going to have to puzzle A bit on what to do. Its the largest kiddie pool they make and 4 inch birds jumped out. I think these are the last guineas. I'm sticking with ducks.
Brooders for chicks, guineas, turkeys, … must be covered. They start to fly really early.
Ah. I needed more research. I have some plastic chicken netting.
And we desperately need some blurry pictures…

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