How In the world did you become fuzzy wuzzy?
Okay, the name Fuggzy Wuggzy started 11 years ago and is a variation of a name I used for video games. I've had a World Of Warcraft account for (drumroll...) 11 years now. My very first toon's (character) name is Fuggernaut. He is an Orc warrior madman! Over time and through the "cuteness" of others I got lots of pet names. That and typing Fuggernaut every darn time got tiresome to others. I've been called Fuggz, Fugger, Fugly (he does have green skin after all) and some others. One day though a guy I've known through the game for about 9 years logged on and called me Fuggzy, and it just stuck. I liked it, and it was easy to spell (apparently a lot of people do not know how to spell juggernaut). On my email, it used to display my real name, but I tend to like my privacy, so I replaced my names with Fuggzy Wuggzy.

Fuggzy Wuggzy was an Orc.
Fuggzy Wuggzy didn't use a fork.
Because Fuggzy Wuggzy is a freaking Orc!

If anyone is wondering, yes the account is still active, and yes i still play it. ;)

Okay. I kind of understand all that:p but how did Kay figure in Cornish chickens into that?
Oh, I have no idea. My actual email is my real name (first/last@gmail) Fuggzy Wuggzy is just the display name, but nothing on there... wait a minute... I just remembered I'm signed up at the livestock conservancy... I wonder if that's where they got it from... hmmm...

That's the only legit source it could be posted. I need to go check that out. Normally I'm very private about my actual contact info. Now I'm even more confused! :barnie
:caf Hope you can figure it out. I can’t imagine the live stock conservancy handing out private info though?
I might be listed in their directory. I've gotten people's info off there before. Part of the reason I signed up was to expand my reach to breeders, and I do have the Runners listed a a heritage breed I have. I don't think I have any chicken breeds listed though, and I've never had heritage Cornish to begin with. Though I do really want some bantam Cornish, I've recently fallen in love with those tiny tanks of a bird.

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