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Must be getting whiplash by now though..

Her head is ever so slightly... unscrewed LOL

Poor Minnie.
Maybe Hawk should paddle upstream and screw it back on?
Her head is ever so slightly... unscrewed LOL

Poor Minnie.
Maybe Hawk should paddle upstream and screw it back on?

Perhaps Lady could assist her
Ash lounged idly, popping the heads off the ants with his toes as they appeared from their little mound.
He was bored, had been for quite a while and now felt like starting a war. He loved war, there hadn’t been a good one in sometime. There was some noise from Wc, but it didn’t sound like much of anything so he hadn’t investigated. Those people were always being betrayed or picked on, Russet had been right on one thing, the whole taking in of the neighborhood strays wasn’t doing any favors for their reputation.
He guessed that he could go to Sc, rustle a few feathers. Russet loved his visits, he knew, she would either yell at him or stop him at the border. But the visits were most often interesting, more so than he could say about his other strolls, although he had met a nice little hen in Wc that last time. He wondered on her shortly, then returned his thoughts back to starting something somewhere and a visit to Russet.

“129, 130, 131... You just don’t stop, do you little ants? I could sit here for the next week and pop your little brains and you’d still keep coming. Tsk tsk, not much of a life my little clone friends. But I won’t bother you further, I shall set you free to go along as you were, I have friends to visit”
Hm, this will be interesting
Why do I get the feeling that there will be a fight over Russet between Ash and Puff?
Hm, this will be interesting
Why do I get the feeling that there will be a fight over Russet between Ash and Puff?

Well, as for Puff.

He want to break it lightly to Russet, maybe send her some flowers.
He dumped her.
"We just weren't meant to be, your evil and I'm the embodiment of all that is good and muscly. You see, were like anchovies and chocolate torte, no matter how you look at it, they may be pretty but their never gonna taste good together. You see why now? Now, life will go on. Don't worry about me. I will be fine, now shoo! Get out of here! Go" *Tears* "Get outta here Tater baby, just go before you make it any harder on me!"
Hm, this will be interesting
Why do I get the feeling that there will be a fight over Russet between Ash and Puff?

Well, as for Puff.

He want to break it lightly to Russet, maybe send her some flowers.
He dumped her.
"We just weren't meant to be, your evil and I'm the embodiment of all that is good and muscly. You see, were like anchovies and chocolate torte, no matter how you look at it, they may be pretty but their never gonna taste good together. You see why now? Now, life will go on. Don't worry about me. I will be fine, now shoo! Get out of here! Go" *Tears* "Get outta here Tater baby, just go before you make it any harder on me!"

"Ahem? Your on my territory"
Well, as for Puff.

He want to break it lightly to Russet, maybe send her some flowers.
He dumped her.
"We just weren't meant to be, your evil and I'm the embodiment of all that is good and muscly. You see, were like anchovies and chocolate torte, no matter how you look at it, they may be pretty but their never gonna taste good together. You see why now? Now, life will go on. Don't worry about me. I will be fine, now shoo! Get out of here! Go" *Tears* "Get outta here Tater baby, just go before you make it any harder on me!"

"Ahem? Your on my territory"

"Oh...." Puff looked around, "Ah. Yes. Everything kinda looks the same here"

With that, Puff waddled off first into a tree, next into a dark ravine, missing the rather dramatic sunset completely.
Because someone posted a YouTube thing on there and it kills my computer and I have to restart it. So I can't even view or post on it right now while thats on there.

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