There are bigfoot pictures in Pennsylvania by auto camera

Thanks for sharing the sightings, a good thing about being on the show it gets people to open up to you. Hopefully he starts keeping his poor dogs inside
Seriously, people don't want to be intimidated or mocked, so they don't tell anyone but those they trust. These people must trust you.

If the fall migration is the worse, that is probably when the females come into estrous. That means that the young would probably be born in June or July. But that is just speculation. We don't really know their gestation period.

Dogs seem to be on their menu. I have to wonder what else is?
The more of this I hear the more curious about them I get. I am still spooked about them however. Somehow a research lady got my name and number and called me a couple days ago. She has wrote a book on our local sightings and is compiling more accounts for a second book. I met with her on my way back home from work and had the opportunity to hold a foot print cast. They are huge,really humbling after seeing just how big these things are. She shared what she knew,some stories are funny others are scarry. She believes they do travel in family groups,the big males scouting ahead followed by the females and young. I bought her book,found it interesting and the kids love it. There are stories of the things trying to drive potatoe trucks,to two guys seeing the same group of Bigfoot,the same day,but on different sides of the mountain,from different hunting camps.

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