Think I can make anything out of this? *Update* 5/23 added most of run

Tip it 90 degrees so that the right side of the rope ladder is on the ground and you have an elevated coop, max height of 6 feet or so, and much more usable space. Move some of the slats as needed for floor supports eslewhere, use the ladders as roosts, but add wider boards. You would need to add one leg.
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that's a good idea. Had not thought of that. I'll see what hubby thinks. Would require more 'roof' which we aren't so hot at, but would be easier to clean and access. Hmm!!! Too bad none of you handy types live nearby <evil grin>..
I have access to an identical structure, but it also has the "A" frame for a swingset!! I can separate and make a tractor style and the other an ark style but bigger, able to house 5-7 birds each!

OH MY GOSH! We have that EXACT same play/swing set!
Never thought about using it as a coop. Shhhhh...don't tell the hubby that the 8x20 coop he's building could have been avoided. LOL!

Maybe when the boys get done with it we can turn ours into a rabbit house. My 10 year old is pushing for rabbits now.

Good luck & post some pics if you use the play set, I'd love to see what you do with it!

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