
12 Years
Dec 27, 2007
My red sex link (age unknown) is just not acting like herself. Normally she's very active when I let her out to free range, but she's been just standing in one spot, not moving much. I've tried giving her water and I bought a box fan to blow some air into the run. She did stop panting, but I decided to bring her inside.

When I picked her up to bring her in, I noticed her crop feels totally empty. She also made a pitiful whining noise when I picked her up. She did have some runny poo earlier. I've put her in a dog carrier with pine shavings, her food and ice water. I also have a fan blowing into the carrier. Is this the proper thing to do for her?
Anyone? I'm so scared she'll die
She's my favorite chicken and I don't know if what I'm doing is the right thing for her. Please help.
i'm sorry..i wish i could help you!
...i know nothing..but..i know these guys will help you of luck..Wendy
I don't think it sounds like the heat, but it might be, how hot is it there? When they start standing in one place and acting lethargic, usually they have been sick for a while. It is in the 90's here, we have fans for ours in the barn and give them fresh cold water in the middle of the day, they have shade available to them always as they are free range too, and dust for bathing of course, and they are fine with the heat. Can you give any more symptoms, is she losing weight, what color is her poo, any respiratory symptoms? Have you ever dewormed her and with what, what do you feed? How long have you had her? Do you have others and how do they act? I don't know if I can help you or not, but someone on here probably can if you can give some more info. You can use a 2 liter plastic bottle, fill with water, and freeze, for when it's really hot and they're in a small enclosure like she is in now.. They huddle up next to it if they get too hot.
Her poo has been all different colors: blackish, light brown, normal.
Our themometer said it was like 100 today.
I have dewormed her a while back. I used Wazine 34.
She eats Dumor Layer Pellets from TSC. I have crushed grit/oyster shell--free choice. She's been skinny ever since I got her, but up till now, eats well
Last week I offered plain, organic yogurt for about 3 days in a row.
I've had her since Oct. of '07
I have a RR and Black Sex Link. They both were panting too today but they seemed fine when I let them free range this evening.
I have the box fan on the highest setting, inside their coop.

The chicken that seems lethargic is sleeping now in the dog carrier in my living room.
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The whining noise may be because she's in pain in her abdomen, so when you picked her up, she whined. It could be the heat stress is just the last straw and not the main thing that is wrong with her. Sexlinks are very high production birds and many of those get spontaneous ovarian cancers, especially if they are at least a couple of years old and have been laying non-stop. You are doing what you can for her other than a vet. I'd give her cool plain yogurt to eat and unfiltered apple cider vinegar in her water ( a few Tablespoons to a gallon)
chicknmania asked some very good questions and the answers to those may help us help you a little more.
Do you think I should try to take her to the vet tomrrow?

I just thought of another question: If I want to keep her inside all day tomrrow, is it okay to keep her in the dog carrier? It's not really big, but she does have room to stand and turn around.
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