This forum has been much different lately.

Also if I can add my two cents, I think that one of the real life examples of misinformation you guys have been talking about is the way that the general poultry community treats things like sour crop or doughy crop. A sour crop is (and im aware there are plenty of exceptions you don't need to point them out) generally a symptom, not the only problem. You can treat the sour crop, but it doesn't change the fact that your chicken has a slow digestive tract that caused the sour crop to occur in the first place. Most vets will look for an underlying problem like lead poisoning or worms if you bring in a chicken with sour crop, i think it just speaks to the amature side of things. idk i've been thinking about that a lot because sometimes you'll go onto these "sour crop remedy" pages and they will not mention the fact that it is most likely caused by something deeper that you should try to get to the bottom of AFTER youve treated the sour crop/impacted/doughy crop,(side note: pretty sure doughy crop is just spicy impacted crop). feel free to correct me but thats just how i feel
Do the mods even understand they need to hold up to the integrity of this forum and not treat it like an eye sore when trouble arises? There actions influence the mood of the community. When they react quickly without understanding the situation, this forum will no longer exist. Cause people who care about BYC will just leave.
Do the mods even understand they need to hold up to the integrity of this forum and not treat it like an eye sore when trouble arises? There actions influence the mood of the community. When they react quickly without understanding the situation, this forum will no longer exist. Cause people who care about BYC will just leave.
Sad but very true
Do the mods even understand they need to hold up to the integrity of this forum and not treat it like an eye sore when trouble arises? There actions influence the mood of the community. When they react quickly without understanding the situation, this forum will no longer exist. Cause people who care about BYC will just leave.
I can say in my experience with the mods they do do their due diligence. I once was accussed of a racist comment because I said the word "gypsies" to refer to white people selling garbage. Mods read over it and said they didnt see an issue; more that it was one person trying to be offended at something that meant no offense. Some people just try to be mean and act offended for no reason other than to troll
I feel as though itā€™s just kids on here. Thereā€™s all these people making trouble, clogging up informational threads, or trying to answer things they donā€™t understand. I realize that itā€™s not fair to say itā€™s all kids that are doing this, but it really doesnā€™t feel like the same BYC. I barely post in public anymore because itā€™s not the same smart forum filled with knowledgeable members anymore- itā€™s like a birthday party.
I understand that itā€™s fun to talk, but keep the chat in the chat threads or PMs - and keep it appropriate.
Iā€™m just tired of it.

Take this with a grain of salt, please.
Hello I am new here. If I ever caused any problems, I am extremely sorry. I will try not to cause problems again
Sad but, this is the most interesting thread so far.
I've said hi on other chat threads and no one is interested in meeting new people I guess.

Back to the nursery rhymes for a second. Some historians believe that these circle games were a clever way the teens of the time used to get around the prohibition on dancing.

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