Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Marty, I have a teaser for you. This is the website that I got my toulouse eggs from.
Jaz, I noticed they have cayugas there too. I may even buy a few of her cayugas myself if I get good fertility on the toulouse eggs.

The lady seems VERY nice. She sends a long detailed letter with instructions and her phone number if you want/need help. eggs.html
yes it is all the way out of the shell and i did dampen it very well, i will check the others that was the only one i was pretty worried because it looked like it was facing the wrong way for a while and i thought i say it pip but i way have been a foot
i feel like such a baby killer

I've occasionally helped in desperate situations, and sometimes it just doesn't work, and sometimes it does. Your a baby rescuer, not a baby killer. If doctors gave up after they lost a patient, all the other patients would be in a hard way, wouldn't they.
Bakin, you are doing fine. If that duckling was facing bill down then it was already in a bind. Slow and steady is the name of the game.

When helping anything hatch, "helping" never implies going in and completely opening the egg freeing the hatchling all at once. It is a very slow (sometimes hours or a day) long process. It starts with candling the egg, determine if the hatchling is in dire need of help. Then very carefully pip the shell and evaluate the hatchlings position. Make sure you are doing all of this is a very steamy bathroom in keep the humidity up easier. Let the egg rest and see of that little bit of helping triggers them to start zipping. Remember waterfowl do not pip, pip, zip, hatch. They,, external pip,, turn, start to, rest, finish zipping, rest then push out. If you chose to help you need to follow this course of how they would go naturally. If there is even the slightest blood, stop and wait a minimum of 30 minutes then try again.
Thank-you guys! this is hard 3 of my babies were fine and have their beaks out after i pipped for them and dampened the membrane alot! they were so dry almost like leather, and i had humidity at 70 the whole time and it could be off but i had 3 of them in there that said the same thing!!! there was another that was backwards and i did alot better with this one, but man was it twisted up in there, and one i can't see any movement so i am going to give it some time, the bathroom is so steamed up there is water dripping down the walls and it looks like a mini hospital in there, our bathroom is TINY!!!! hubby is gonna flip out when he gets home but if any of the ducklings make it it will be worth
and he might go easy on me because
tonight was and still is hard! i hope my next batch has better luck!

i really appreciate your guy's help!
Let me make sure I have this right:

2 were facing backwards that you helped hatch. Both are completely out of shells.
3 were facing the right way. You pipped for them and they are now trying to do the rest.
1 is ??

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