Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Iain, you can hold the duck eggs, or set them, they seem to be more forgiving than geese.
Marty, I can get American Buff eggs locally for you of you like. The farm I got ours from will be calling me in 2-3 weeks to see if I need any more. He has ten adults that are very pretty, good body type and calm. Otherwise I need to make sure we get enough hatched out for the deposits in place.
Let me see how well the March lockdowns go, of they all do well then I can spare a few eggs again.

I would much rather wait and see what you have Celtic. I have complete faith in you. Thanks, and just let me know....
My first set of cayugas are from sebrightmom. Great lady and excellent fertility!
My new set of cayugas are from pidgey. She has beautiful stock and excellent fertility!
yes it is all the way out of the shell and i did dampen it very well, i will check the others that was the only one i was pretty worried because it looked like it was facing the wrong way for a while and i thought i say it pip but i way have been a foot
i feel like such a baby killer
Thats the way my Iowa Blue Chicks Arrived ! Great packing & I had an awesome hatch rate

Aurora did the same for me (6 blue & 6 white) on the premium priced eggs. I got less blue eggs in my "take a chance" set, but I still have a few blues I'm hoping will develop.

The ones I got today are from Thistle Down Farm in California. I have wanted to blend stock from Aurora and Thistle Down's farm from the beginning of this crazy idea to build my own breeding flock.

And may I add... Thistle Down takes the GRAND PRIZE for packaging. The eggs were wrapped individually in gauze inside egg cartons which were taped so eggs shipped upright. Then they were in a small box within a bigger box, both packed with a ton of cushioning.
You are NOT a baby killer! Really!! The ones that we have had facing backwards and have helped hatch have done great. The ones we did not help did not make it out of the shell.

Your others are ok? They are facing the right way?

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