Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

LoL ducks seem to do what ducks want when they want, but with some training they catch on and learn the routine. Oh also look for items like red wheat and other whole grains. You can grow pans of rye grass during the winter too for them to snack on. Rye seed is cheap and easy to grow on large shallow pans like underfed plastic boxes.

i will see about the rye when it turns chilly.
but as long as the geese will eat hay they will also get that in the winter.
the ducks LOVE it, well ok they LOVE the leaves and seeds.
I personally think that my birds look better with Sunshine, fresh air, grass and bugs then with any feed formula, but that's just my opinion and I do not mean it as a troll.
EXACTLY 10 days until i have wittle tiny munchkins again . i cant wait!!!! this time im keeping some of them!!! (no ifs ands or buts about it)
and by the end of the week i will have eggies in the bator again. =) im going crazy with it empty.
goot 2 eggs first thing today so maybe today will be the day i get 4 eggs,
oh and i have 3 orders (local) for eggs.
so as long as people are patient i will be filling them soon
I personally think that my birds look better with Sunshine, fresh air, grass and bugs then with any feed formula, but that's just my opinion and I do not mean it as a troll.

my spoiled brats are out full time (just no free range)
they get plenty of bugs, both by finding them in their pen (its close to the pony pen so lots of bugs) and they con me into bug huntin for them all the time.
and they get greens at least twice a week . (either grass, kale, or some other leafy green lettuce, as well as peppers and tomatow. oh and cant forget peas!)
Well you'd be suprised how many people think letting the birds run loose is very bad practise. That's why I put the little disclaimer at the end, because I don't know how people will react when I vocalize my opinion :p.
Good morning, all!!! I am pleased to introduce to you babies #8 & #9: the wrong way baby I hatched from inside out and my sweet silver apple. Amazingly, they are both doing well!!

CG, thanks for the paper towel tip. It really helped!
Well you'd be suprised how many people think letting the birds run loose is very bad practise. That's why I put the little disclaimer at the end, because I don't know how people will react when I vocalize my opinion :p.

no im not offended
i would love to let mine run loose .
but between our dogs (who think no one belongs anywhere but where they think they shoul be, such as the cats belong in the barn.)
and the many hawks,
my little calls wouldnt stand a chance
Good morning, all!!! I am pleased to introduce to you babies #8 & #9: the wrong way baby I hatched from inside out and my sweet silver apple. Amazingly, they are both doing well!!

CG, thanks for the paper towel tip. It really helped!

they are soo cute.

and no problem i put them under my eggs. it made cleanup easier . =)
Oh, I see, Calls. Yeah, Bantams are iffy. Bantam chickens have more predator savvy than LF chickens, but the same does not apply to ducks. Especially if you impair there flying ability. And lets face it. Ducks are idiots. I raise breeds around the medium size (Swedes, Light Rouens, BOs, WHs, proto-Bessies), and I find these are the most predator-equipt of all the ducks. Most have good camo, and they can get a very fast pace, without being able to fly. They are also heavier than a kestrel cares to lift, if you know what I mean.

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