Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Well you'd be suprised how many people think letting the birds run loose is very bad practise. That's why I put the little disclaimer at the end, because I don't know how people will react when I vocalize my opinion :p.

I would love to free range the birds all the time, but living back in the woods has it's downside when it comes to predators. I tried the whole leave the ducks out thing and I think I've lost probably 6 Runners over that and 1 Ancona that was living with the runners at that time. Countless chickens have been lost. The main duck predator is raccoon in our woods and then the Opossums take the chickens out. It's crazy, so we have to keep things locked up tight around here. The ducks get large paddocks to be out all day, because living next to a creek also has it's downsides if we were to let the ducks free free they would be hard to get back off that creek which trails many miles through many neighbors cow pastures. The paddocks work great for the ducks and If I didn't have the horses, goats, and calves I'de probably devide my whole pasture up into duck paddocks.

Good morning, all!!! I am pleased to introduce to you babies #8 & #9: the wrong way baby I hatched from inside out and my sweet silver apple. Amazingly, they are both doing well!!

CG, thanks for the paper towel tip. It really helped!

Awwww..... Those duckies are adorable. Congrats!

Well I can't thank you and everyone enough!!! I proudly present "Iain" and "Utah"... if you don't mind have two ducks named after you. Truly you helped more than you will ever know. I know it is a round world so I can't wait to do the same for someone else... when I get more experience! And here is their buddy cheering them on so they can come play.
Ha, I love the pic of the fluffy looking down at the wet one. He's like welcome to the new world now dry off so you can come out and play!
I just wanna see how Goin Quackrrs's Upside Down Pineapple cake turns out. We ate the last of ours tonight. Dashedly fine cake recipe, that. You really can't have too much butter.
Great news about the Sebbie eggs, QJ. Man, I wish I could have a goosie.

MMMmmm Butter ! Another guilty pleasure!
They told me that ducks don't start laying untill the end of March!
Yeah and pigs can fly too right....... I guess they don't realize that I'm pretty big into the Anconas and um sorry but these guys can outlay any chicken anyday.

I don't want to pee them off, but it's about time they start getting a projected ship date for me.

Chicken & QJ: Did you guys ever get your ancona orders resolved with that one hatchery? Just curious....
Cuties! (I cut an old towel & put over the wire of my hatcher. It works fantabuloso)

Good morning, all!!! I am pleased to introduce to you babies #8 & #9: the wrong way baby I hatched from inside out and my sweet silver apple. Amazingly, they are both doing well!!

CG, thanks for the paper towel tip. It really helped!
I am thinking a cheese cloth down would work well too? I have one of those... and can lay it down before setting my goosies in hatcher tomorrow. I like the idea of the rubber kitchen drawer liner too... will see if I have any of that laying around.
I am thinking a cheese cloth down would work well too? I have one of those... and can lay it down before setting my goosies in hatcher tomorrow. I like the idea of the rubber kitchen drawer liner too... will see if I have any of that laying around.

yes cheese cloth would work.
grandma wanted me to use that but we kept forgetting to pick it up.
she said its wat she always puts down.

with this next hatch i am going to put paper towels down with shelf liner ontop so they can get a good grip and its easy to clean!
I am thinking a cheese cloth down would work well too? I have one of those... and can lay it down before setting my goosies in hatcher tomorrow. I like the idea of the rubber kitchen drawer liner too... will see if I have any of that laying around.
What type are your hatching goose eggs? And are you doing them in the LG? If so did you also use the turner?

I would really like to get my Roman Tufted a mate...

Also are the male geese as loud as the female ones... or are they like the male / female ducks?
I am thinking a cheese cloth down would work well too? I have one of those... and can lay it down before setting my goosies in hatcher tomorrow. I like the idea of the rubber kitchen drawer liner too... will see if I have any of that laying around.

I use a towel, becuz it gives traction for their legs, when they are just getting them underneath them, Holds heat & it absorbs moisture (ie the wonderful stuff that also comes out of the egg)

YEAH for hummingbirds!!!! Spring is here or near
Here are my first 7 babies this morning. I am happily surprised I hatched more colors than b/w and that all are so healthy!!


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