Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

yes he didnt have much to go. so he got some in his tummy which hopefully means he will be ok.

i have put anyone in bowls yet. they are all still on their sides resting.
hopefully they will come around in the next few hours
1 baby is still attached to her egg.
Two of mine are now holding their heads up, eyes open, and staying upright in the containers. One step at a time......
So I am feeling very bummed about how things are turning out with me getting buff babies this year from Carole. She has a month-old boy available that would work IF Barley is a girl, but not sure she has any buff girls if Barley turns out to be a boy. She believes she killed every last buff baby in her incubator and her girls have stopped laying. I will call my bird dvm in the morning to see if I can get all my dewlaps vent sexed this week. Obviously, I'm hoping and praying Barley is a girl!!

In the meantime, my cayuga egg is turning and moving. Plan to put it in lockdown tomorrow and if it hatches, it will be Sat/Sun, but I have no babies to brood it with.


In ducky news... hubby and I built an 8x8x4 shelter for excess drakes today and sunk posts for 8'x20' run. Will get that fenced in the morning and am excited to move them over. The end of run is the cross fence into pasture and we plan to cut open ducky hole once transitioned to let them get into pasture.

ETA: Is it horrible of me that I don't really want this cayuga to hatch?
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so i took my critical duckling out to give vitamins. .
i decided to tie off the sack like you would an umbilical cord and i hop this keeps anythign else from seeing out.
he is still slightly more fiesty than i expected. he put up a fight about the vitamins

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