Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

No problem. I'm sorry about your duckling. I think I'd give them between 24 and 48 hours. Well that's what I've read. But ive also read that if they aren't strong enough to get out then they aren't strong enough to live. I think that's abit harsh as some people have helped out and their duckies are doing great.
I'm hatching 5 Indian runners, were 6 to start but one died by day 7. I'm a first timer too so am quite pleased with how it's going, apart from them being late. Lazy things. When did yours start chipping away?
Yeh I didn't think it was going to be this stressful, on the verge of panic attacks constantly lol, I want them out quick and safe! My step son is coming over later he's 9, wants to see duckling but they aren't even out yet!
I think this may be a race then! One of mine has made a tiny chip, typically on the side I can't see! I got some twitchy eggs and a few peeps and cheeps!
Sounds like yours are on to the external pips now and they were just very quiet on the internal ones. Though if only one has a chip like mine then the others have still only done the internal pip into the sir sac. Don't do anything apart from keep the humidity high! Try talking to them, or quacking, or tab the sides of the 'bator - I just did and one of mine went nuts! I reckon your guna beat me actually!

It is 4:47 am here and I am leaving for work in a few minutes, but the other egg also has a chip on it and the other egg with the first chip has gotten a bit bigger. Both eggs are rocking. I didn't even think to try and listen for sounds. I must do that before I leave. Glad to hear you got some chipping going on too. Work cannot go fast enough today for sure. Can't wait to get home and see the progress. Good luck! Update us when you can.
Hi qwackers,
Thanks for the quick response. This one's already gone :-( the discoloration is even bigger now, it's clearly dead. I'm feeling guilty for not doing anything, it was chirping loudly last night.
Funnily enough the humidity seems to have gone up a bit as now i have condensation on the window. Unfortunately I can't out any water in it without opening clearly a big flaw o the incubator but i've read such good reviews.

How many eggs are you incubating? If they chip but unable to pip how long after would you (if at all) try to open the shell for them?

This is more stressful than i thought i wanted my kids to witness duckling hatch but not a ceasarean.. :)

I have the same Brinsea mini. I open mine during the hatch to add water, take out hatchlings, etc. I just refill the well and pour a little on the paper towel. The humidity in that little thing jumps right back up in no time.
I absolutely ALWAYS DO THIS ALWAYS! I also, with goose eggs, set them out to cool for 15-30 minutes every evening. You should read Petes hatching guide, it is also excellent. I spray my duck and goose eggs 2x a day. I just keep a sprayer right there, and give everyone a nice even misting. In a hovabator full, that's about 6 or 7 sprays on fine mist.
Thanks Marty, I'll start doing this. One more question on it though - after spraying, do you take them out of the incubator to cool, or leave them in there and let the eggs and bator heat up at the same time?
I have a question I have 2 different sets of eggs that are 2 wks apart in their hatching dates. I read everyone goes into lockdown 3 days before their hatch days. What about the turning of the eggs that aren't due to hatch?
Hmm.. I think most try not to mix hatches for that reason. Here's my idea though: do you have room to where you can put the needs-turning ones into an egg carton? That way I figured you could prop one end of the carton up, thereby saving open-bator time when you DO have to open it for turning. Just pop your hand in, take the prop out from under the carton and pop it under the other side. Then close bator back quick?

Just an idea. At this point (I'm just a little over halfway thru also), I'm only turning twice daily anyhow.

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