Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Good morning, all!!! I am pleased to introduce to you babies #8 & #9: the wrong way baby I hatched from inside out and my sweet silver apple. Amazingly, they are both doing well!!

CG, thanks for the paper towel tip. It really helped!

Absolutely beautiful!!!! Congratulations!!! Paper towels do sound great..
I'm also getting a goose to train with my ducks.... a big goose.... everyone knows what big geese are good for.... (*evil laugh*) Just let them try something!


Oh, I see, Calls. Yeah, Bantams are iffy. Bantam chickens have more predator savvy than LF chickens, but the same does not apply to ducks. Especially if you impair there flying ability. And lets face it. Ducks are idiots. I raise breeds around the medium size (Swedes, Light Rouens, BOs, WHs, proto-Bessies), and I find these are the most predator-equipt of all the ducks. Most have good camo, and they can get a very fast pace, without being able to fly. They are also heavier than a kestrel cares to lift, if you know what I mean.

bantam chickens are very smart we have cochins and the boys are always on the lookout,
so are our guineas (altho they are quite stupid)

but ducks you are right, are not the smartest cookies. now i do see them watch the sky when a hawk flys over,
but i doubt they would be able to get away .

my guys are chunkies than they should be(still under 3lbs) but stilll light enuff for any bird of prey to take off with them,
I'm also getting a goose to train with my ducks.... a big goose.... everyone knows what big geese are good for.... (*evil laugh*) Just let them try something!



lol i have 2 girls who are about to join the ducks.
altho they are scared of the ducks (the ducks like far)
just turned 4 weeks old yesterday. and next week (hopefully) they will make their first visit inside the big ducks pen . ( despite the fact that the geese are easily 2-3 times the size of the ducks i fully intend the ducks to call the shots)
What I've also done temporarily, is 'imprinted' my bevy onto my patriarch cock. He seems to honestly believe that they are a collective member of his harem, and he takes care of them (at least to the extent of herding them around) ('NoNO! You can't go into the pigyard! NO! That's an electric fence!) Gray feathers on my cock are showing up..... :p But realy, chickens are smart enough to acknowlegde and identify dangers.... ducks.... not really. Chickens can even figure out very quickly that they can't communiate with ducks, and so, my cock walks big circle around them, charging them occasionally to keep them in line. They also know the best foraging spots, so it's good for the ducks to be with the chickens.
What I've also done temporarily, is 'imprinted' my bevy onto my patriarch cock. He seems to honestly believe that they are a collective member of his harem, and he takes care of them (at least to the extent of herding them around) ('NoNO! You can't go into the pigyard! NO! That's an electric fence!) Gray feathers on my cock are showing up..... :p But realy, chickens are smart enough to acknowlegde and identify dangers.... ducks.... not really. Chickens can even figure out very quickly that they can't communiate with ducks, and so, my cock walks big circle around them, charging them occasionally to keep them in line. They also know the best foraging spots, so it's good for the ducks to be with the chickens.

haha that sound soo funny.
but my ducks only get along with the chicken that was raised with them and she only gets along with them (not the other chickens)
the roosters are no mean but they do not associate themselves with the ducks.
Yeah, Last autumn, the same cock mauled one of my ducks. I intervened. After a cold winter in the barn, getting to know each other, then in the spring thaw, they, forged into one group of animals. It didn't last. They are spending less time together since breeding season. I guess nobodies interested in anyone but there wives. :\ I know that Geese are impossible to peel away from ducks when you raise them together, so the goose is going to be a round-clock protector.

Yeah, Last autumn, the same cock mauled one of my ducks. I intervened. After a cold winter in the barn, getting to know each other, then in the spring thaw, they, forged into one group of animals. It didn't last. They are spending less time together since breeding season. I guess nobodies interested in anyone but there wives. :\ I know that Geese are impossible to peel away from ducks when you raise them together, so the goose is going to be a round-clock protector.


yea thats the intention with my girls every night we take a walk to see the big ducks.
and once they are feathered they wll be living with the ducks.
the geese are actually being raise with 2 mut ducks right now but soon the 2 muts are leaving for their new home and the girls will join the flock., (hopefully with little squabble)

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