Today's Sunday Dinner and Supper - More Woodstove cooking

You don't have to eat the greens. I'll make you a small salad. Green leafy vegetables is very important for your good health and your colon.
I wake my family up to breakfast.
I love those pork link sausages. I'll have my eggs over hard, please. Nothing jiggling. The edges crispy.

Bake biscuits in the coals and make his mouth fall open .... for more wood cooked food!
My son and hubby went striper fishing last weekend so we are having striper, coleslaw and baked potatoes for dinner. I am making pumpkin bread today so that'll be for breakfast tomorrow as the kids are out of school.

- - susan
If I may come, I'll eat Terrilacy's greens and my own. Love them! Do you have a favorite recipe you would share? I use one from an America's Test Kitchen Cookbook that has bacon, onions, and garlic.
Oh, like a pot roast, only on the wood stove!
Sounds wonderful..
I really enjoy your posts. I have made your yogurt and built your incubator!
Thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us new folks.
Wash the collards. Remove the stems and thick veining about half way up each leaf. Roll them up like a cigar and cut them into about 1inch long 'rolls'. Put them in a large pot. Put plenty of water inthe pot so they won't boil dry with extended cooking. Add 1 smoked hamhock. Set on the stove to simmer until the leaves are extra dark and butter tender. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve with pickled pepper vinegar and finely chopped white onion.
Striper! OMG I am jealous. Striper is my favorite fish, hands down. I have exactly one packet of striper filet in the freezer from a friend's fishing trip many months past. I should eat it, but it's, you know, the very last one...

Our laundry room pipes are frozen, so I need the kitchen sink for hand washing laundry. That means dinner is either in the slow cooker or a one-dish sort of affair. I did wholegrain bread rolls late last night; need to look at the calendar and look in the freezer to figure how many meals I can do with meat or frozen fish before the next hunting/fishing season rolls around.

Leaning towards fish chowda tonight: Bluegills w/ fried chopped onion, herbs, fingerling potatoes, a bit of smoked whitefish, some chopped shrimp, simmered in saffron cream sauce. Either that or a venison stew with turnips, carrots, potatoes, red wine, garlic. Leftovers in this house get Tupperware'd and used for lunches Monday - Wednesday.

Bread rolls and apple dumplings for dessert, for sure.
I miss being back home so much sometimes it hurts. Fresh fish was only a fishing pole away. Bream, blue gills, cr @ ppy, warmouth, bass - stripped, wide mouth and small mouth, several varieties of catfish (to name a few) - and now I am 600 miles away and not a fish pond in site. And not one invitation to partake of the one I know that is in the back of my neighbors field. They are odd like that though so I don't expect to ever get one.
Ya all eat bluegill? We have tons of them in local ponds along with bass and some trout.

Now Striper fishing is great. I'm right by a river that the Stripers start running in May. We get a lot of Bluefish up here too but not many people eat them.

This year I hope to get a tuna now that I have the chest freezer.

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