trapped a raccoon.

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If anyone does release a raccoon (or any other creature) make sure the trap opening is pointed towards an open area. Don't do like I did once and set the trap opening in front of some large rocks. The coon felt trapped and freaked. Scared the living shirt out of me. The next time I caught a coon I opened the trap towards an open space and it took off like a bullet. Whew!
If there is one raccoon or opossum, there are certainly others nearby. The process, whatever you choose to do, will need to be repeated periodically. Maybe frequently, at least initially.
in order to do that and be ok with it i would have to build a big enough outdoor enclosure. As it stands they forage 3 acres and they love it. Id rather not cage them in. Not sure if this is doing the right thing, but i dont think i have another choice given the circumstances. at least i am going through the trouble if ending his life the most humane way i can.

You are doing the right thing. Relocating it will make it someone else's problem.

As for a ballistic solution, you might look into getting a good .22 air rifle. Comparatively quiet (with some models very quiet), can be used in some locations where cartridge ammo is illegal, effective for small animal hunting, and fun/cheap for target shooting.
I don't think this is at all ethical but my hubby just said something funny which was to run a experiment to see how long it could last with out food or water he didn't mean it just was funny over here in UK our animal welfare (RSPCA) Would have cardiac arrest over how you guys are plotting yo kill this raccoon that's why he Came out with the comment just taking the Mick before anyone things I'm being serious and takes offence
The ethical solution would be to not trap at all, rather than trap and relocate. Also, then have total protection for all of your animals, and family members, so there's no problem with wildlife. Mary
umm I have 10 acres next to what now is a forest preserve ( used to be my grandparents until someone decided it would make a nice park and took it) The local wildlife stay away because of the dog. But people keep relocating wildlife in my side yard next to the park.. tracks in the snow go from the poultry yard to car tracks when backtracked... caught one guy that said he thought he was releasing them into the park.. he took off but I gave info to authorities since it is illegal ... the relocated animals have no idea where the food is and have to compete with the local wildlife... kinda like dropping us off in a city in foreign country at civil war...not very humane ... if the dog doesn't get them, they have a slow starvation death
As for a ballistic solution, you might look into getting a good .22 air rifle. Comparatively quiet (with some models very quiet), can be used in some locations where cartridge ammo is illegal, effective for small animal hunting, and fun/cheap for target shooting.

Can you make some recommendations?
I don't know what the laws are in FL, but the OP should be mum about whatever he decides to do. In other words, don't document what you do online.
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