Tribute to @memphis and her Lapper turkeys

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Jun. 9, 2016 @memphis wrote

Gevshiba...mine have also only been the traditional chipmunk color. And they are "chatty". Personally I think they are just gossips. But they aren't loud.

Finnie....hopefully she'll start using the space under the coop. I lock Daisy in her run when she has to lay. She has "PES"....Pre-Egg-Syndrome. She gets goofy & will try to leave the yard...then sometimes she goes straight to her nest.
Jun. 9, 2016 @memphis wrote

Finnie, I don't know how old heritage turkeys are when they are "invited" to dinner. I know they mature a lot slower than the BB. girls are on 18% is that too low? But consider this....if the hens mash is a different manufacturer maybe they just like the taste better. I would hate for you to let them loose only for them to make a break for the woods. Can you let them out for a few hours under observation? I remember you saying Ethel Jr was trying to make a break for it....
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