Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

I'll check out the song but don't expect me to like it! In return, you must listen to "Undefeated" by Skillet. :plbb
*sigh* Okay, I'll find it when I get a chance...
They're doing good, although one of them is a feather plucker! All the other chicks have missing feathers because of him :mad:. The coop I put the chicks in is a 5' by 8' coop so hopefully now the other chicks will have more room to get away from him if he tries plucking their feathers again.'s not like they had feathers anyway...:sick:sick:sick
I honestly have no idea. :/ He tries to fight the others and pluck their feathers for no reason whatsoever. He's a real jerk to all the chicks but is an absolute sweetheart to people.
I'll post some pictures of the spots where he pulled out their feathers sometime today...
Is there anything you can do to stop him?

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