Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

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The other day I was in the store (school has started here) and a teacher asked if I was homeSchooled...

How our conversation went-

Teacher - so cool you are home schooled!
Me - yeah, plus I get to pick what curriculum I want to do.
Teacher - oh, kinda cool. What grade are you in?
Me - 7th soon to be 8th (a little behind but who cares).
Teacher - oh, you are behind! Do your parents teach you?
Me - of course... I think your getting a little to personal.
Teacher - I just care about you and want to help.
Me - I don't need your help.... I am older sister to 7siblings and have a great life... Thank you, goodbye.
Teacher - goodbye... Hope to see you in school this year.

The other day I was in the store (school has started here) and a teacher asked if I was homeSchooled...

How our conversation went-

Teacher - so cool you are home schooled!
Me - yeah, plus I get to pick what curriculum I want to do.
Teacher - oh, kinda cool. What grade are you in?
Me - 7th soon to be 8th (a little behind but who cares).
Teacher - oh, you are behind! Do your parents teach you?
Me - of course... I think your getting a little to personal.
Teacher - I just care about you and want to help.
Me - I don't need your help.... I am older sister to 7siblings and have a great life... Thank you, goodbye.
Teacher - goodbye... Hope to see you in school this year.
Funny! Who cares if you're behind, you have more time to processthe questions then! :D I am 2 grades ahead. (I won't say what grade, though.)

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