U.S. Flag RANT!!! and some info...

Ever notice that most af the flags purchased in the USA are made in China. That is one of my pet peeves. When my father died the flags given to my brother and I were made in the USA, so I know it is possible to aquire them.
in Ohio it is AGAINST the LAW to sell non american made US and Ohio flags. Iam waiting for the 4th of July and see if I can chase the cops on Walmart or any retailer.
Good for you. My grandfather was always hollering about the way people treated their flags.Now it bugs me too.
in Ohio it is AGAINST the LAW to sell non american made US and Ohio flags. Iam waiting for the 4th of July and see if I can chase the cops on Walmart or any retailer.

LOL. Wal*Mart. That's where I would expect to find U.S. flag disposable tailgate party napkins and paper plates.

I just reread it, i think its not signed into law yet. drats
When Jason was deployed last time we had an FRG meeting just on this subject...Very informative...
There is a place in Wisconsin that makes flags....I will look and see if I can find there website/email address....
Even the lighting at night is a big misunderstood conversation...I will see what I can find on that too and post....
As he's now Deployed on round 2 I know we are going to have another FRG meeting just pertaining to this, so I'll get to work and see what I can find...
(I am 1 of the 2 main FRG people for Jason's unit--so I head up all our meetings and info...)
At the same time, I feel different about the flag embroidered on pillows, etc. I think it's a good thing for people to create art and I think the flag as art is a positive. If it is not acceptable to paint the flag, for example, in an oil painting or to embroider or knit a flag on a wall hanging or a planket, then wouldn't the laws against portraying one's love/admiration of the flag in artistic form seem fascist? I think there has to be a consensus. Paper napkins bad. Embroidery good.
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I totally agree with you. I am a Girl/Boy Scout Leader and one day I had my son with me, we came across someone flying a flag that looked about 100 years it was torn and faded. My son went to the person in charge and explained he was a Boy Scout and that he would gladly take the flag and retire it in the manner fitting our flag. The lady in charge was so inpressed with my son she gave him the flag and told me she had been planning to buy a new one just had not gotten to it. She even ask if we can send her pictures of when the scouts retired the flag in their cerimony (which we did) but you are correct when we see something like that we must speak up and explain I think most people are willing .
From what I remember only military and scouts (boys/girls) are suppose to be the ones to retire a flag. I would suggest finging a local Boy/Girl Scout troop they will love to hold a ceremony to dispose of the flag

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