ugh sun screen doesnt work on me..

Have you tried any of the other home remedies? Some suggest apple cider vinegar, sponge it on repeatedly and let it dry, don't rinse. Yes, you will smell like a pickle but its supposed to help a ton! Also whole milk sponged on or egg white smeared on and let them dry - I've heard of both of those things. The egg whites are messy but supposedly are very soothing
I burn like a piece of toast myself, so I feel your pain!!
EEK, sorry but vinegar is one of the worst things you can put on a burn. It dries out the skin and sunburned skin is begging for moisture. That's from a medical point of view.
the only thing i have done was the aloe vera with lidocane.. i think its solorcane... or what not.. last time i put it on (this morning) it stung and burned so bad!! im assuming that the open blisters didnt like it idk ill have to have my hubby take pics of the burns.. it feels like i fell in to hot grease
I saw a documentary on how consuming more lycopene can increase your skins resistance to damage. The exposed a woman's skin to a certain amount of UV and she burned the first time, they put her on a diet of consuming 50g of tomato paste (rich in lycopene) every day, then in the next test she got less burned, slightly pink, then just tanned!

Here's a quote from a related website:


Lycopene in tomatoes is a carotenoid that is stored in the skin and helps enhance the skin's ability to protect itself against harmful UV rays, reducing sunburn risk and premature aging. In fact, UK researchers found that people who consumed 50g of lycopene-rich tomato paste daily for three months had 33 percent higher protection against sunburn compared to those who didn't eat tomato paste. But UV protection properties from carotenoids are insufficient to act as a physical sunscreen, so you still need to slip, slop, slap. "

And another link with mroe info and lycopene foods!

Hope this helps!
Yikes! Sorry that happened, you must be in a lot of pain! Keep up with the aloe, and take advil every 4 hours to help with the pain until you see your doctor! Try using aloe without any other "stuff" like lidocane in it, it might be the lidocane that is making it sting. If the burns are that bad, you should call your doc ASAP! If you are in too much pain to sleep, call your doctors office, they should have someone on call.

You need to re-apply more often than every two hours. An SPF of 45 only protects you from sun damage/burn for 45 minutes, SPF 15 for 15 get the idea. Maybe this is common knowledge for most of you, but I didn't know until recently, I just knew a higher SPF was better, but didn't know it had a relation to minutes of sun protection. So you have to re- apply 45.....every 45 minutes. Who knew? (I didn't until recently, I thought like you did that every 2 hours was often enough.)

I hope you get some relief soon!
Advil and the Lidocain aloe... Gotta keep it moist if you can. DO NOT pop blisters!

Some people are more sensitive to begin w/ and if it wasn't expired then either you just are or you take some medicine that caused it. I don't burn but was put on a med a couple year back and didn't head the label and fried myself good!!!!

Hope it starts feeling better soon.
im getting ready to hop in a cold shower im hoping that helps, i really need some sleep, havent slept since friday... got burned on saturday, i hate this hubby is home for the first time in 9 weeks, and im not being any fun!
Sounds really painful. I'm fair to medium skin tone, but I rarely burn. However, if I expose parts of my body that are almost never exposed (such as my mid back or shoulders), I will get a burn in that area if I don't use sunscreen. But, it usually only takes one or two applications for the entire day and I'm fine. I don't know why you're having trouble now compared to in the past. Sometimes our skin changes as we get older or have kids because our hormones change.
Are you taking antibiotics or any other medications that might be causing excessive sensitivity to sunlight? I tan readily and have never "burned" excessively, but while on doxycycline for Lyme disease treatment I did get somewhat of a sunburn.
im on topamax for my seizures, but thats it and i have been on that for 5 years now, not sure what caused me to get burnt so bad. i just hope it never happens again!

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