ugh sun screen doesnt work on me..

Take a nice long cool bath or shower! That usually helps me.

I noticed yesterday that I got quite a bit of sunburn on my back, even though I put on sunblock. I even put a really high SPF over my tattoo and I burned the same all over. I was shocked! Usually sunblock works very well for me.
Zinc Oxide blocks sun. It is what is found in Baby rash cream. It goes on white and stays that way. My daughter found a sunscreen with Zinc Oxide at the baby store. It works nicely on faces. My kids said I looked like a Geisha.

For the sunburn, I recommend pure Aloe. The pure stuff is a clear gel. I took my pup to the beach over the weekend, and unfortunately, he roasted his nuts. My kid is on an Aloe run now. If you have Aloe plants, just squeeze the gel right out of the leaves.
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took a hour long cold shower last nite, feeling a bit better, BUT hubby had to leave and go sign paperwork for a new job and do a few other things, he was gone when i got up..i have no one to put solarcane on my back .. GAHHH
anyone wanna come help LOL just kidding!

im still incredibly TIRED and i have no idea why. i got around 6 hours of sleep before i had to get up . and let me tell you getting out of bed was soooo painful... the sheets had stuck to my blistered skin.... owchie.

since i got up, i have drank nearly a gallon of water... really wishing he would have given me something for the pain!
when i was first burned a few years back.. i was so bad that i went to walmart wearing the bathingsuit i was burned in.. i kept it on and showered in it for 3 days ewwww
I could then actually move my arms to drive i had the woman in the change room with me and she had to dress me and then we walked to the cash so I could pay for the new tube top evrything i had, had shoulders on it and they were burnt to a crisp
well, im still alive, still in quite a bit of pain, but now its scabbed blech. i was finally able to put a shirt on.. i have been wearing the tank top that i had to cut the straps off of. the solarcain now stings like crazy when put on my back.. maybe by this time next week, it will no longer be painful lol
A lot of sunscreens don't work on me either. I had 2nd and 3rd degree sunburns once, when I was 18 and went to Cancun! I WAS wearing sunblock!!! Since then, I have avoided the sun as much as possible. I have 2 aunts who died from melanoma, so maybe I'm more paranoid than usual. Anyway, I have found that a lot of the chemical based sunscreens don't work very well. I started making sure my sunblocks have zinc or titanium dioxide or both. They really work every time. Coppertone has a new one called Pure and Simple. It may be marketed towards babies, not sure, but it works. Neutrogena also makes one that is really good. I also have very sensitive skin, so these were very good news to me. Not only do a lot of the chemical based sunscreens not work for me, several of them also give me rashes.
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