Urgent! Peachick cat attack


Allons-y, Alonso
10 Years
Aug 3, 2009
The wonderful countryside, UK
Heya my peachick got caught by a cat last night, luckily I found him before it was too late- he doesn't seem to have any physical damage, no bleeding etc... But I did notice he was a bit wet on one side of his face/ his back. This morning his eye ( the side that was wet) looks a bit dodgy, it's very wet when you look at it in the light and it seems a tad bit inverted. What would your advice be? Thank you
Ouch, poor thing. I hope your little peachick is okay.
Hello, If its only wet if I were you I would just blow-dry it and then keep it away fro the cat till its about the size of a good sized chicken maybe when its older it will take around out the cat and it will be like pay back time lol
Can you post a picture of the little guy?
Those here with experience will be better able to give you advice if they can get a look at his eye.
Cat's saliva is chock full of bacteria; I used to volunteer at a wildlife rescue, and when cat-caught birds came in they were always put on antibiotics just in case there was a hidden puncture.
I'm guessing that at the very least you will need to wash out his eye.

(and please don't blow dry it)
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keep an eye on it, if it is acting ok tomorrow it will be fine unless you find a wound and still just keep an eye on it, birds are tough, i have seen them pull threw some horrific wounds from dry snakebites to getting scalped all of them recovered.
I'm sorry I just read your post all over again I thought you meant it was wet on its side not on its eye my bad!! Very sorry that was terrible advice very sorry.
Heya my peachick got caught by a cat last night, luckily I found him before it was too late- he doesn't seem to have any physical damage, no bleeding etc... But I did notice he was a bit wet on one side of his face/ his back. This morning his eye ( the side that was wet) looks a bit dodgy, it's very wet when you look at it in the light and it seems a tad bit inverted. What would your advice be? Thank you
terramycin eye ointment may be in order here

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