US Senator Telling Brig. Gen. To call her Senator not Ma'am?

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ya darn tootin!!
First times I was called "Mrs. Brooks" I looked behind me to see if my MIL was standing there.
It may have been, out here it's the equilvilent of being called a "female dog".

Oh, I want to comment so badly, but I will refrain.
I guess its sort of like going to college for 11-12 years to be a doctor and still being called Mr. I think it depends upon your personality too; wouldn't bother me being called M., but I am not competitive either.
I agree with you, the "correction" was uncalled for. The general was showing respect and the elected official replied with contempt for that expression of respect. I wonder how many generals, colonels, captains,...even lowly privates and non-military citizens have saluted past presidents with "Sir"?

Hopefully, that California elected official will never stop in my place of business because she will be highly insulted. I can assure her that all of the guy's will refer to her as ma'am...even if they don't like her.

Right on the money!

Oh my Gosh, you are so right.

Mrs Boxer and Mrs Pelosi have forgotten who they work for, however, if Mrs Boxer wants to be called Senator Boxer, then by all means address her that way. Crazy politics or not she did win that title. Something I found interesting though was the was she addressed the General. She said

"You know, do me favor" instead of Excuse me General, please do me a favor"

That tells me she wants to be shown respect and not give it out to handily. Both Mrs Boxer and Mrs Pelosi have shown their disdain to the military on several occasions
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