US Senator Telling Brig. Gen. To call her Senator not Ma'am?

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Go Where?

Into politics.... let's say that to a large chunk of the state, we'd like to disown Regan, I'll toss Arnold into the deal as well.
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Go Where?

Into politics.... let's say that to a large chunk of the state, we'd like to disown him, I'll toss Arnold into the deal as well.

Just to clear things up who is "HE" Use code if you need to
Into politics.... let's say that to a large chunk of the state, we'd like to disown him, I'll toss Arnold into the deal as well.

Just to clear things up who is "HE" Use code if you need to

Edited sugar pie, bless your heart!
Just to clear things up who is "HE" Use code if you need to

Edited sugar pie, bless your heart!

You can't say who HE is?
So far, no reports on this thread, let's keep it that way!

You know, being born / raised in CA I had no clue what any of this meant until reading the whole first page of posts. Goes to show how amazingly different cultures there are even within the US and also in generations.

I would have never thought this would have been an issue or a topic of discussion. I brought it up to my wife (same age / also born and raised here) and she was just as perplexed. She mentioned that Oprah hates it when people call her Ma'am.
I guess that since my Grandfather was a Marine in Korea as well as my father in Nam, I just look at things different.
You don't here me talking about the land of the loons or the state of fruits and nuts where sometimes you can't tell a Ma'am from a Sir!!!!!

and that surely could be a problem

Yeah diversity is great, but with the different contexts in what a word means you can get two very different effects with a word.
I've often used the title "ma'am" when talking to women customers, even when they are younger than me. Of course lately most of them are. I've never had anyone take offense to it although some said that they felt "ma'am" was what they mothers are supposed to be called.
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