USPS lost my eggs



8 Years
Apr 7, 2016
I usually get my shipped eggs within 2 days and this time I order eggs from a new lady through facebook. she sent me the receipt that the eggs were shipped on the 4th and today is the 10th. The eggs are still not here and the tracking is stuck on Florida. Are the eggs still viable? Should I ask for a refund? I’ve never had this happen and don’t know what to do :hit
I have successfully incubated eggs that were laid over 10 days, but I still prefer 10 days or less. Hopefully she will send you a new set. The big "unknown" is wherever the post office left them, temperatures in the warehouse, direction they left them sitting, etc. I draw big UP arrows on my boxes, and still see the mail person lay boxes on their sides.

And the other thing is how old were they when she shipped them? I try not to ship anything older than 3 days on the ship date, unless approved by the buyer. So if they were already a few days old, be sure to add that to the shipping days.

Good luck!
So the eggs showed up at my post office today but they are 8 days old as far as I know from the shipping. I don’t know how old they were before however. I know they were lost in Florida which was probably hot and humid then mass (my state ) she read what I wrote but hasn’t said anything back yet so I’m not sure exactly how to go about this now.
So the eggs showed up at my post office today but they are 8 days old as far as I know from the shipping. I don’t know how old they were before however. I know they were lost in Florida which was probably hot and humid then mass (my state ) she read what I wrote but hasn’t said anything back yet so I’m not sure exactly how to go about this now.

Candle them... gently.... and check the air cells. Hopefully you'll hear back from her soon.

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