Waiting for the $1000 eggs šŸ„“

Did you happen to witness the first one? Iā€™ve got a chair in the coop I just go and sit on to just watch them. Theyā€™re so content and happy, Iā€™m loving this gig :woot
No, but I did get to it within minutes of it being laid. Iā€™ve been sitting in the coop on a couple of occasions when some of my others have laid though. Itā€™s pretty cool!
Iā€™m getting anxious - be patient with me šŸ™ I have 4 OG and several right behind. My OGs are now 23 weeks and the others are 19 weeks. No eggs! Do they look close to you or do you think they will wait until spring? Weather here has been back and forth. First 4 pics are my OGs (barnyard mix) 5th and 6th are 19weeks (Blue Plymouth and cemanis)
Thanks!View attachment 3347869View attachment 3347871View attachment 3347873View attachment 3347874View attachment 3347876View attachment 3347877
Have any of them started ā€˜squattingā€™ when you reach down to pet them? That is a good indicator of sexual maturity and they should start laying soon after that startsā€¦
I am in the same boat. Got 3 chicks born April 16. One black australorpe, 2 easter eggers. Black one (Tilly) has been laying for about 2 months. NOTHING from the EE's. No submissive crouching. Nothing. Never had them before but really wondering why no eggs yet...
I heard that EEā€™s take longer to start laying, but itā€™s weird youā€™re seeing no behaviors. Iā€™ve got several Iā€™m waiting on, maybe theyā€™ll wait until Easter šŸ™‚
I am in the same boat. Got 3 chicks born April 16. One black australorpe, 2 easter eggers. Black one (Tilly) has been laying for about 2 months. NOTHING from the EE's. No submissive crouching. Nothing. Never had them before but really wondering why no eggs yet...
I have had a few EEā€™s. One started laying about 22 weeks, the other took 9 months before she started laying.
Iā€™m getting anxious - be patient with me šŸ™ I have 4 OG and several right behind. My OGs are now 23 weeks and the others are 19 weeks. No eggs! Do they look close to you or do you think they will wait until spring? Weather here has been back and forth. First 4 pics are my OGs (barnyard mix) 5th and 6th are 19weeks (Blue Plymouth and cemanis)
Thanks!View attachment 3347869View attachment 3347871View attachment 3347873View attachment 3347874View attachment 3347876View attachment 3347877
what do you mean by OG?
Iā€™m getting anxious - be patient with me šŸ™ I have 4 OG and several right behind. My OGs are now 23 weeks and the others are 19 weeks. No eggs! Do they look close to you or do you think they will wait until spring? Weather here has been back and forth. First 4 pics are my OGs (barnyard mix) 5th and 6th are 19weeks (Blue Plymouth and cemanis)
Thanks!View attachment 3347869View attachment 3347871View attachment 3347873View attachment 3347874View attachment 3347876View attachment 3347877
I am not sure if this will make you feel better or worse, but my Bernadette hatched in March and still shows absolutely no interest in laying an egg.
She is a competitive soul, so she may be going for the world record!

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