Wandering dog spray-painted 'Go Home'

Like I said it's real simple. If you can't find the owners or get a response to note to the owner.......CALL THE POUND!!!!!!!

Where I live you go to jail for animal cruelty if you were to spray paint a dog and you go to jail if you kill someones dog.
I've always had luck with letting the dog know that this is my teritory and stay out. Grab it by the scruff, yell loadly, drag it down the road and kick it in the butt as it runs. Paintballs sound like a good idea, completely non toxic (taste terrible though, had one break on my mask last week, ick!), but not the most accurate projectile and if you hit an animal in the eye that eye is gone.

My dog (who has started whining when the chickens won't let him sniff them) was well painted when I was finishing the coop, he was pretty good at finding the wetest paint spots!
Ages ago, we had a stray dog pay us a visit. Mom wasn't comfortable with the dog hanging around, so she got out the old cornet we have and blew long and hard. The dog took off like a shot and we never saw him again.

We still have that cornet, but it doesn't work anymore, which is a pity since our neighbor's dog tries to "visit" our poultry whenever he can. I'm sure that a nice long blast from the cornet would make him think twice about paying another visit...
We don't have a pound, no dog catcher etc. We live way out in the country far from the county seat. We have no one to call. But the sheriff did assure me that we have the law on our side if we needed to kill a feral dog or any dog that is causing problems.
I looked out one day and there were 13 dogs in my back yard. Running in a pack. This is not good. Not only for my chicks but me as well. Dog packs can bring down a cow if they are of a mind to.
If I have a single dog problem... I am in my rights as a property owner to kill the animal if I need to. However, I am a animal lover and I hate to see an animal mistreated. My chicks are penned, the only time they are out is when I am there to watch. But if I caught a dog with feathers in his mouth... POW!!
This reminds me of when I was a kid, and the neighbors on the next street had this big doberman that would sometimes come over in our yard. We were scared of it cuz it was so big. One day we were playing and I don't know why, but we had a white bedsheet outside. I threw it over my head and arms like a ghost, and ran after the dog screaming!
He tucked tail and ran! After that if we saw him coming, we'd run in the house and get a sheet so we could do it again. Never had any more trouble with him.

When we lived in Jacksonville, we found out that calling the pound was more of a nuisance than stray dogs were. We had neighbors that would shoot strays, so to save one's life one time we called the pound. We were told that we would need to catch and restrain the dog until they could come get it. It would be a few days. DAYS! So, we had to find him a collar, and something to tie him up with, and feed him and walk him, and keep him away from the neighbors. What a pain. Then the AC officer that picked him up tried to guilt trip me into keeping him. I told him if I wanted a dog, I'd have already had one!

We don't have a pound around here. The main neighbor that lets his dogs (bulldogs) run loose, couldn't care less what happens. Painting the dog wouldn't faze him in the least. His female came after me and my daughter once when we were walking, but I ran her off. My husband told him that if that dog came after us again, he would kill it. The owner was just like, Man I'll give you a gun to do it with.

Don't want to start a big deal about that kind of owner, but There are just some who are inconsiderate, so a well-placed BB at least gives the dog the idea that there's nothing over here worth the cost.
We live out in the country and have alot of stray dogs that run loose. We don't hesitate to get out the pellet gun and give them a sharp sting in the hindquarters and we usually don't see them again for a long time. We had a problem a few years ago with a neighbors cows jumping his one strand of barbed wire and trashing our lawn and eating our plants and buds off the fruit trees, so late one night when I caught them in our orchard I had my son grab his paint ball gun and blast one cow with plenty of hot pink paint balls. I have never seen a cow jump so high and run so fast!!! I think the farmer got the message because he moved his cows to another pasture. Please note that this came after repeated requests by us and the Branding Officer to confine his livestock on his property. Obviously he didn't think he had to comply, so we handled it our own way. I see nothing wrong with blasting loose dogs with paint balls either. We just don't have the paint ball gun anymore. I have also heard that tying a dead chicken to the neck of the dog that killed it and letting it stink for a day or two cures that dog of ever killing a chicken again. The only hold up there is that you first have to catch the dog and that's sometimes impossible.
Ok but does spray paint make the dog say,"Maybe I should stop going over there?!"

No, but it might make the owners think, "maybe I should stop letting my dog run free".

I don't want to see an animal hurt and killed, but if it was the choice between my chickens and someone elses dog, then my chickens would come first every time.

Spraypaint / painballs are a lot more humane than a bullet.​

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