Wanting a LG breed. WHICH SHOULD I GET?


15 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Vicksburg, MS
Hey everyone right now all i have are bantams and i am really wanting some LG so I was wondering what yall like? Any tips or suggestions as to what breed I should consider?
OP, you spelled it out for them and they still didn't get it. Orpingtons are very mellow and would work well with the bantams. Another possibility might be Welsummers. Say no to Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Islands, Marans and especially not an EE (Ameraucana/Araucana/hybrids).

Oh, I also have Wyandottes but I'm not sure how they get along with mild mannered or smaller chickens as I have always kept them penned with EEs and they have to put on a big show just to get to their share of the feed.
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I had Bantams FIRST..... Roo and Hen.... then added standard baby chicks to the bantams...... It has been funny to see how the two bantams boss everyone around even when they end up so much bigger than they are. My Bantam ROO is still the boss over 11 HUGE full grown hens..... and many others.
Love my Jersey Giant, tolerates heat and cold good,very mellow, Love my Light Brahmas, but they do not tolerate the heat as good. A friend of mine leans toward the Buff Brahmas the seem to do well with heat and cold, heat being the big factor here in SC in the summer. A lot of folk around here seem to have the RI Reds, not sure if it is just because they are hardy or easy to come by?

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