WARNING : Do NOT purchase from customincubators.com!!!!!!!!

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wow. that 'sincere' apology almost had me there for a second... a few days ago i saw a 'custom incubators' ad in the florida Craigs List. i really didn't give it a second thought but now that y'all mentioned it... it's likely a scam. i think that it's the same people doing it. they're probably all in on it.


coz people will do ANYTHING for money, and i'm pretty positive that y'all are not the only ones scammed. they've probably made several thousand $$$$$ off of people all across the US, and who knows? maybe canadians have fallen victim as well.

buuut, i suppose the only thing that can be done is to wait it out. but i wouldnt wait any longer than three weeks.
hi this is thomas pendergrass owner of custom incubators.. i can sit here all defending myself on this website but i have alot of work to do.i got my website back up and running.im sorry that the five customers out of hundreds are getting refunded thru paypal.no one has ever not gotten there refund or their product .phillip gordon will have to pay back paypal from those five refunded..this company is not a scam and thats not fair to say it is because everyone got their money back or their product.anyone anytime is more than welcome to come check out my company and shop.we have nothing to hide from anyone or i wouldnt be on here and i would have made up another name to keep selling if i were a scam.if any more questions feel free to call me at 660 281 7563..

thanks thomas pendergrass
Mr. Pendergrass,
You promised a friend of mine that you would be shipping out her incubator today. Even told her you would send her the confirmation number in just a few minutes after speaking on the phone, she waited all morning... Nada... nothing as of 2 this afternoon... No shipping number and most likely no incubator. Until people receive what they paid for they will not believe empty promises. We want our money or our incubators. We don't like being mislead, stalled, or put off.

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Hi Thomas,

You don't have to sit here and defend yourself. In fact we would prefer that you get the work done on the incubators so they can be sent out. We're waiting to see if people are going to start getting their incubators. We will probably sit and wonder and speculate until we start seeing that people are receiving what they paid for and we see that people who paid last month are also being refunded or shipped their incubator also. We have a lot of unanswered questions. Maybe you can't answer them all. Your actions will speak louder than your words anyway.

I appreciate you stopping in, giving some explanation, and providing your contact info.

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Your actions will speak louder than your words anyway.

I appreciate you stopping in, giving some explanation, and providing your contact info.

Well said Shayna. We all want the orders to be filled... we are all waiting and watching.
the lady i sent the incubator to this morning has recieved her conformation number i emailed it to her at 12 then again at 3 somthing.i even called her to make sure she got the email.i would like to speak to all of you that have ordered an not recieved a product..so please call me anytime so i will know who you are and what your talking about.since i have took over i have on had 8 orders..thanks
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