Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I remember that! That was gnarly!
It was, we were in the cabin off E-squim Bay Rd up a steep hill and couldnt drive up or down --I found it, Feb 11 2019



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Went to the feed store Bought 4 60 lb bags then.
We are at 1000 feet so won't see snow here.
We already have 2 unopened bags of chicken feed but as a precaution we loaded up 2 bags of dog food today and I plan on buying enough food to cover 2 weeks of meals (with much of it relying on dried, frozen or jarred ingredients, like bean soup and lasagna) so they can be pushed to later weeks if the weather is better than expected.

We don't get that much snow as we're away from the foothills, but the sad truth is my tiny convertible can't make it through anything more than a couple inches deep, and struggles to even climb hills in rain. If push comes to shove I can walk to the grocery store a mile away, but I'd rather not. :)
Yes, snow here too. Not supposed to happen until Friday. Even now weather.com says it is 38 and raining. Nope. It's 33 and snowing. :duc

We have eye appointments this afternoon in Chehalis, and that's a 40 min drive from here. Was planning this one last trip to town before the snow. Operative words...before the snow.

This is the first time we have ever had to confine the chickens to the coop. I guess that's okay. That's why we built a really big one. But the overhead netting has been taken completely down all over the orchard by the snow. First year that happened, but we knew it was time to redo it.

Now I'm envious of all you folks who planned way ahead for this snow!!!!
Yes, snow here too. Not supposed to happen until Friday. Even now weather.com says it is 38 and raining. Nope. It's 33 and snowing. :duc

We have eye appointments this afternoon in Chehalis, and that's a 40 min drive from here. Was planning this one last trip to town before the snow. Operative words...before the snow.

This is the first time we have ever had to confine the chickens to the coop. I guess that's okay. That's why we built a really big one. But the overhead netting has been taken completely down all over the orchard by the snow. First year that happened, but we knew it was time to redo it.

Now I'm envious of all you folks who planned way ahead for this snow!!!!
Three hours since my last post and it continues to snow! I swept off the front porch and the truck, and they're both covered with slush now.

I did some more work to get my chickens winter-proofed. My feet are wet and cold, but the job is done.

I decided to confine mine strictly to the secure run and the coop for the rest of the winter. The woodchips in the day run have been damp/wet since the fall rains started, and I decided that spending the day in wet woodchips probably wasn't great for my girls. When weather permits I'll start hauling compost from the day run into the garden.

Half of the coop wall (west side) is open to the secure run now. I left a bit of ventilation open at the top of the north and east sides of the coop, so there's plenty of air flow.

I went ahead and put a sheet of OSB onto the north wall of the run to block the wind. It's still open at the top for ventilation.

And finally, today I ran an extension cord into the run. I put a birdbath heater into the waterer bucket that has horizontal nipples installed. No more frozen waterers!!!!!

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