Watermelon :-) What treats do your chickens love?

my chicks are 3 months old.Ifixed them some pop corn the other day they loved it.My rooster crowed first time today .I was tickled to hear him for the first time.Now i am waiting patientley for my first eggs to come.Ihave 16 chicks 3 roosters and 13 hens.They all are getting along fine.Iraised them from a new chick.
yes crickets are the best $1.00 you can spend at the local pet store. We did that for our girls when they were still little chicks in the indoor pen. We are not catching crickets to keep for the winter months when bugs/protein are harder to find in the yard. We also raise mealworms.
Pack Mom,

I'm thinking of raising meal worms but unlike fishing worms they kind of creep me out. They look so much like maggots. Gross! Can I raise them outside next to my composting worms in a bin? The girls (my hens) love them.

I read that you can buy oat germ and use a shallow bin? How do they do in heat and cold? Just curious.

Stupid iPad, trying to add picture of the feeding frenzy but can't get the thing where you add a picture to come up. Oh well just image a bunch of teenage girls wanting to see Justin Beiber! That's the way the girls are acting for a piece of the cob!
Stupid iPad, trying to add picture of the feeding frenzy but can't get the thing where you add a picture to come up. Oh well just image a bunch of teenage girls wanting to see Justin Beiber! That's the way the girls are acting for a piece of the cob!

Download the free photo bucket ap it makes it easy to load picks on your iPad.
Donna, from what I've been reading, wheat bran seems to be the best medium and the container can be any height...you just keep them in the bottom 3 inches or so. In order for them to do well, they need to be quite warm, so I suspect outdoors wouldn't do very well for them. They ARE gross looking, I agree, but from the research I've done, they don't/can't escape the bin.

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