Watermelon :-) What treats do your chickens love?

I have a banana lover too. She's a Jersey Giant.

We went to a local baseball game last night and during one of the inning switches, they had this guy dressed in the HUGE banana costume run the bases and he had about 6 little kids following him. Was pretty cute. But I leaned over to my husband and said, we should bring our Jersey Giant and have her chase him around the bases trying to peck at him. That would get the crowd going CRAZY!!!
I have a banana lover too. She's a Jersey Giant.

We went to a local baseball game last night and during one of the inning switches, they had this guy dressed in the HUGE banana costume run the bases and he had about 6 little kids following him. Was pretty cute. But I leaned over to my husband and said, we should bring our Jersey Giant and have her chase him around the bases trying to peck at him. That would get the crowd going CRAZY!!!
HAHAH oh lord I'd love to see that!!!!! I actually haven't tried bananas yet, my mom eats one for breakfast every morning, i can't believe i haven't tried giving them some yet!
my chicks love bananas watermelon and cantaloupe,they also are having fun catching crickets on there own when they free run.They also love coleslaw they ate that right up.
my hens love apples, grapes,bird seed, peanuts, bread (but i only give bread rarely as it can be bad for them), spagetti, toes(they like to peck my toes if i go out in flipflops), bugs,insects and they will always chase and eat butterflies if they see one. and i have even seen them fly up trees and snatch them out the air just to get one!!!
I had some multi-grain bread I dried for mine. They went crazy for it! Only give them a slice once a week or so...it's just a treat. Tossed 'em an ear of corn today too, and that vanished quick! Oddly enough, they love, LOVE oats. I've seen several folks say theirs aren't crazy about em, but I had planted 3 small patches earlier this year (for herbal tea) and I just hack off a handful and they gobble 'em down, stalks and all.

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