We are getting 3 doz a day eggs.. EGG recipes please!

Florida chick

12 Years
Jan 19, 2008
Anyone have some yummy egg reicpes? We are sick of Quiche and omolets. LOL
Bread pudding, breakfast casseroles, eggnog (hey, it's the holidays!), pasta carbonara, homemade puddings or custards, frittatas, meringues. Try doing a Google search on any of these and you'll come up with a boatload of recipes.
then you could do pumpkin bread and bannana bread that will use up some more.

A sign at the end of the driveway should also make an egg shortage happen real quick.
you can scramble them (raw) and put them in the freezer. Kind of like the egg mixtures you can get at the store. Either put them in sized appropriate for a meal, or maybe 1 or 2 eggs per container, for cooking.
also, Ive been pickleing mine. They dont last long that way! everyone loves them.
I make huge batches of French Toast, using lots of eggs & very little milk/cream. I put the eggs in the blender to mix them up, and sometimes add some ripe bananas. The finished French Toast freezes well for later, but my boys & I usually eat it up throughout the week. It makes a good portable breakfast if you don't require it to be dripping with butter & syrup.

I also make breakfast burritos, which also freeze well and make great portable breakfasts. I'll scramble up a bunch of eggs with some peppers & a jar of salsa, then stir in grated cheese when it's done. I cook it down so it's not drippy or runny, then roll it up in whole-wheat flour tortillas.

I miss having so many eggs I don't know what to do with them. For a while I was getting 2 dozen a day, then I found a few folks willing to pay $4 a dozen, and my flock started to moult. Now they're doing good to give me 1/2 dozen a day. Old Murphy must be thrilled...
WOW! You guys are AWSOME! Nope no Bakery, no signs we own a large farm in the middle of no where and it dead ends here. I ended up dropping a bunch at the local food bank. I didn't think they would take them, but did. They said they are very VERY low on food this year.
I am going to go bake this afternoon! I will try the frozen egg thing and Cheesecake is ALWAYS yummy! LOL
Keep those recipes coming..
What is a good recipe for Pickled eggs without sugar? Is it possible, we really try to eat healthy.

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