Weird thing happened today

I don't know if Tess is mean, but from what I've heard about her from Buster, she'd tear a limb off if she thought her "family" were in danger...!

Tess should be home today, right buster?
I don't know if Tess is mean, but from what I've heard about her from Buster, she'd tear a limb off if she thought her "family" were in danger...!

Tess should be home today, right buster?

Thanks everyone! No signs of anybody around who shouldn't be since the other day, but I've been leaving all my yard lights up which light up the whole perimeter.

Yes, I DID get Tess back today!!!!

Have fun trying to get in or wander around the property with her around. Even if she's not mad about anything, she will absolutely let me know when something is going on.
I was and still am... I just dont know why or WHO would do such a thing.
Random act of violence as I know all my neighbors and they wouldnt do that....... but it makes me worry about my chickens

I feel very lucky to have a couple of neighbors who check in on things at my house while I am working out of town in the summer. They always take note of strangers around and report it to me when I get home on the weekend. It's never been anything to worry about, but it's nice to know that they are paying attention.
My chickens would warn me of something off before my lazy dog would lol he is more chicken than my chickens! Anyhow, if that guy had his head and feet in my door I think I would have had a shotgun in his face, you don't just peek inside someones house!!! I would be worried too, I think that you should let the law know about this and please do go get new locks and what not, how awful would that be if he came back, yikes! Well good luck to you!!!

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