Weird things only poultry people get.

I'm having a rather hard time imagining Eclipse attacking me... the lad can hardly see ahead with his Sultan-like crest, and he just seems so... goofy.
He's the fluffiest rooster that I have.
I'm much more worried about the bantams attacking me -- Simnel and Kirby haven't yet, but Lefty likes to give my feet sneak attacks, and Zapraska used to attack me from time to time.
But, Eclipse? The lad has no aim whatsoever anyway. He'd just run into a tree, missing my feet completely.
My roo has a hissy fit if I don't give him a hug at least 3 times a day. He gets so heart broken and cries when I am gone for a entire day shopping. Also, he attacks anyone that approaches me including my sister and attempting to kick the mailman just before I scooped him up. Who needs a guard dog? :lau
Well here we go.
I was sceptical until I saw the photo of the little roo on the ground being a chick warmer.

Wow, that's incredible! I didn't think a rooster would do something like that.
I did hear a similar story about wild birds though. There was a pair of blue birds that had eggs, but the mom was killed. So, the dad sat on the eggs, hatched them, and successfully raised all the chicks by himself.

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