What are you canning now?

Peach butter cooking!! Mmmm,m,m

15 lbs of cherries in freezer...I made my 13 yr old pit all of them
shes owes me bigtime this week lol
Uh oh, what did she do?
Peach butter cooking!! Mmmm,m,m

15 lbs of cherries in freezer...I made my 13 yr old pit all of them
shes owes me bigtime this week lol
Do you have a Cherry pitter, or is the 13 yr old the pitting machine?

I made Cherry Bounce a couple of year ago and bought a pitter for that. A machine not a child....

Uh oh, what did she do?

Ill try and keep this short lol..Rushed my 16 yr old to ER Saturday...hours later we found out she has mono and an enlarged spleen due to momo...we were ALL supposed to go to,Great Escape Monday FOR my 16 yr old...She earned the tickets and trip..my 13 yr old..NOT SO MUCH but she was allowed to invite a friend...Oldest couldnt go because she was obviously ill;( I had to go and take youngest and friends because tickets were already bought and plans were made...This thursday oldest was SUPPOSED to go to Clarksons Olympic volleyball training camp...AGAIN, she earned this camp,by busting but in school and for me at home...Due to mono and enlarged spleen...no contact sports for 4 weeks...I fought tooth and nail to get a refund from camp to help,offset hospital costs...NOPE!! they gave me a 1 year certificate to their camps...I was furious as my oldest is graduating 2013 and wouldnt return to the camp...Yougest BEGS me to go because she is signed up for volleyball at school this coming year...I told her I would allow her to go but she has some serious butt kissing and serious chores to do the rest of the Summer to pay off this debt...She is...how can I put it..LAZY!!!! Does everything half azz...Shell tell you right to your face...She was not raised to be lazy but dang if she doesnt push every button fighting tooth and nail not to do things...SO For the month of August she has 400$ worth of volleyball camp to work off!!! the pitting of cherries was nothing compaired to what I have in store for her..haha and yes I boughtn a machine it works fabulous...took her less than an hour to pit cherries...The coops WITH mom is next;) In my house we provide everything a child needs..the extras that They WANT gets earned or they dont get it! ITS so simple really but the youngest hasnt caught on..she whines and cries with every chore...The oldest gets it...does it..earns her stuff quickly!!! I hope the youngest follows suit SOON!!!
Youngest on left...oldest ..right...13 and 16 both Birthdays in November BOTH 5 ft 6 inches...Im 5-4:(ugh Lol

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Wow, what an ordeal! Hope she recovers fine - enlarged spleen doesn't sound good. Great policy of having them work off extra stuff!

My 12 year old son helped me clean coops and gawd he was soooooooo sloooooooow at it. I told him, c'mon, I don't have all day! Oh, and he's only an inch shorter than me and I'm 5'8".
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Wow, what an ordeal!  Hope she recovers fine - enlarged spleen doesn't sound good.  Great policy of having them work off extra stuff!

My 12 year old son helped me clean coops and gawd he was soooooooo sloooooooow at it.   I told him, c'mon, I don't have all day!  Oh, and he's only an inch shorter than me and I'm 5'8".

Thank you ;) Shes very tired as this virus has kicked her butt...I can tell shes lost a few pounds too but im sure once she gets her appetite back shell be fine :D yes my 13 yr old is just as sloooow...makes you want to tell them to just go..and well finish it! Ive been at that point a bazillion times but it teaches them nothing...I just gritt my teeth and deal with the turtle speed!! Haha Wow you guys are TALL!!!
ok in the last month (Its been a bit since posted)

I've canned:

6 quarts of homemade chicken noodle soup (just an FYI-- it is NOT safe to add noodles/rice/flour/thickeners etc..so my soup is everything BUT the noodles and/or rice..add them when we open it up to cook)..

17 qts of GORGEOUS homemade chicken stock (we used our roos..thank you mr. Roos!) (PS-- if you rotisserie your bird first it gives a much more flavorful broth!)
Blueberry Lime jam (about 12 1/2 pints)
black raspberry jam (MY NEW FAVE!!!)

doing today:

Katie C's Roasted tomato soup -- HEAVENLY and OMGOSH soooo earthy!!! (its simmering now getting ready to hot pack it and PC it)
Cowboy candy ie; also known as Candied jalapenos
and most likely tomato sauce as the tomatoes are running over my house!!!

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