What are you canning now?

hows the weather out there on the west coast? Beautiful out here in northern ny.Just wish we could get rid of this late blight on the tomatoes and potatoes. Then id have some tomatoes to can. Just a horrible thing.
We had some hot day this weekend but nice today. Now I know our hot has nothing on the east hot. I'm going to be getting stuff to can next week and maybe this weekend. I didn't get a garden put in the weather was so rotten, than of course I hurt my ribs. I did can some strawberry and raspberry jam
hows the weather out there on the west coast? Beautiful out here in northern ny.Just wish we could get rid of this late blight on the tomatoes and potatoes. Then id have some tomatoes to can. Just a horrible thing.
The weather report predicts the longest stretch of 100 plus weather since 2009 for us. This is for interior central to northern CA. I don't know about southern CA. The coast and SF Bay will be much cooler as well as the mountains.

Time for a trip to the Ocean or Lake Tahoe!

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The weather report predicts the longest stretch of 100 plus weather since 2009 for us. This is for interior central to northern CA. I don't know about southern CA. The coast and SF Bay will be much cooler as well as the mountains.

Time for a trip to the Ocean or Lake Tahoe!

Its is hot here in S Cali. Its been 100+ on my patio the past three days
We had some heat but been in a cold front from canada. Lower 70's today with cloud cover.gotta few cucumbers for pickles but the garden hasnt done as well this year. Just gotta be one of those years would be better if we had a artisan well then a hand dug hard time with water this year too
Does anyone know what the cottage industry laws are for selling home canned jams, jellies, etc in NEW YORK? Just curious since we will be moving there within the next year and I like to sell a little to defray my costs. THANKS IN ADVANCE
Dont exactly know...I do know you need to be certified and list all ingrediants on jars to sell anywhere:( i cant certified in my hime because I have house pets..I can at Sils restaurant but what a PITA,
got 2 cases of strawberries
lots for the freezer..
canned some strawberry lemonade concentrate..
a big pot of strawberry margarita jam..
cleaned out the freezer...made a large batch of leftover
meat..in a terriaki type sauce...8 meals...
all adds up to long term savings..

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