What are you doing during Covid-19 Quarantine?


Oct 15, 2020
Hello! DaisyBuff Here! This is just a chat thread on what you are doing during quarantine. I am just spending time with my 6 fluffy feathered friends ( chickens and my quail Alice)! I'm also having movie night, and trying to stay warm with all this cold weather!It got down in the teens here last night! What are you doing? Feel free to post fun photos of crafts, DIYs, Funny pets, even more! I know times are hard and this chat thread is to share fun moments with each other! This is a gingerbread doghouse I made. I'm not gonna eat it because the icing did not work so I used hot glue for the walls! LOL The golden buff orpington Is Daisy my favorite chicken Next is Hailey my Rhode Island Red and lastly Autumn The other Rhode Island Red! Though I have 6 chickens they are only some of them! :)



I don’t have a tv and I’m disconnected from the world besides BYC. Is Georgia back in quarantine?? I stay home regardless because I’m a stay at home mom (plus I love being at home I’m not very sociable in person, but I am online 😂)

On a separate note. Did you make the gingerbread house or was it a store bought kit?

I like messing with my Notion app to keep track of things and do small Bible studies with myself 😆 I do want to make some banana bread.
Hello! DaisyBuff Here! This is just a chat thread on what you are doing during quarantine. I am just spending time with my 6 fluffy feathered friends ( chickens and my quail Alice)! I'm also having movie night, and trying to stay warm with all this cold weather!It got down in the teens here last night! What are you doing? Feel free to post fun photos of crafts, DIYs, Funny pets, even more! I know times are hard and this chat thread is to share fun moments with each other! This is a gingerbread doghouse I made. I'm not gonna eat it because the icing did not work so I used hot glue for the walls! LOL The golden buff orpington Is Daisy my favorite chicken Next is Hailey my Rhode Island Red and lastly Autumn The other Rhode Island Red! Though I have 6 chickens they are only some of them! :)

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It's GINGERBREAD!! If it doesn't turn out..... EAT IT!!! 😋 :hit Now you can't :(
Hi from Michigan! I'm hanging with my dog and chickens. We're not locked down, I'm not in quarantine, but I really try to limit my going out into the wide world. Gotta do an errand tomorrow and I plan to also get some yarn to start knitting again. Been a long time since I did that. Covid retired me and now I have time to do it again!

I might experiment with making gluten free pie crust tomorrow afternoon. Hubby likes pie, but I can't have the crust.
Hi from Michigan! I'm hanging with my dog and chickens. We're not locked down, I'm not in quarantine, but I really try to limit my going out into the wide world. Gotta do an errand tomorrow and I plan to also get some yarn to start knitting again. Been a long time since I did that. Covid retired me and now I have time to do it again!

I might experiment with making gluten free pie crust tomorrow afternoon. Hubby likes pie, but I can't have the crust.
I'm allergic to the pesticides they spray on wheat
I just stay home and I never use the tv except for occasional movies. Usually read realistic fiction or nonfiction/biography's and I am a fan of Christmas and Christmas movies so that's what I am looking forward too...may this year be about family!

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