What books do your kids like?

That's why I specified the Dragon Rider series - the Harper series has far less to none at all, depending on the book.

I don't remember any in The White Dragon, but its been awhile since I read it.

I know there's some consternation on the part of his rider because the dragon is totally asexual. Don't remember the human part of it though. That's so me - if I meet you and your dog, I'll remember your dog's name, but probably not yours.
For your older daughter, you might try a series by Melanie Rawn (6 books) which begin with The Dragon Prince - some sci fi, some romance (nothing blatent that I remember), lots of cause and effect - government - politic stuff which causes a person to think if she is so inclined. C S Lewis also has a space trilogy beginning with Out of the Silent Planet which is very good. The Nancy Drew books were also good.
Older daughter might like Rick Riordan's Last Olympian series. He is a fantastic writer. They might work for the nine year old too. John Erickson's Hank the Cowdog books are an absolute hoot, and are targeted for 3-4 grade level. Lloyd Alexander's series starting with The Book of Three is very good as well. They are fantasy novels based on Welsh myth. The older girl would probably love the "Arrows of the Queen" series by Mercedes Lackey; its fantasy with telepathic horses. There is also a series that starts with "the Cryptid Hunter" that is science fiction for the 10-14 year old age. The series is about a family that searches for beasts like the Loch Ness monster.

Also other Authors to look for:
Jan Yolen: young adult fantasy, she started writing long before the current "occult romance" thing started
Madeleine L'Engle
Robert Heinlein's juvenials
Robin McKinnley
Anthony Horowitz
Gary Paulson (one year my son tried to read everything he had written, he didn't know what he was trying to do)

Other books my kids have liked

My Side of the Mountain
Julie of the Wolves

My Brother Sam is Dead
39 Clues books
I haven't read them in a while but I didn't remember anything like that.But that might just be me cause I usually skip over the sexual stuff, I like the character play better. I don't read romance novels for that reason

Sorry if they are not appropriate, I suggest reading any book before you give it to a tween anyway. I didn't with the some books DD got on her own and didn't find out till later that I wouldn't have approved

There is a good series my friends daughter enjoyed they are actually making a movie now
My guess if this kid has read the Twlight series and Night, something like the implied sex in the Dragonrider series would not be disturbing. The only thing that might be an issue for some parents and kids is that the green and blue riders prefer their own sex. One of my biggest issues, personally, with the whole dragon rider world is the very stereotyped gender rolls; girls only do this, boys do this....
anything by Diana Wynne Jones is good. I'd recommend Hexwood for the eldest, and black maria for the middle child.
As someone else mentioned, I can highly recommend C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy. JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit is good, too, and Lord of the Rings is a must-read for anyone who can enjoy that style of writing. (Warning: The first chapter of The Fellowship of the Ring is mind-bogglingly boring. The first few times I tried to read it, I couldn't make it through.)
mom'sfolly :

My guess if this kid has read the Twlight series and Night, something like the implied sex in the Dragonrider series would not be disturbing. The only thing that might be an issue for some parents and kids is that the green and blue riders prefer their own sex. One of my biggest issues, personally, with the whole dragon rider world is the very stereotyped gender rolls; girls only do this, boys do this....

I didn't let her read Eclipse because a few of my friends have said that the girl gets pregnant, and I haven't read it so I don't know how racy it is. that said, she can handle some pretty intense material. as far as same sex stuff, no biggie there, we have both male and female openly gay family friends, I'd be much more turned off by sterotypes than homosexuality. I'm just not very approving of scenarios where young women pursuing men and the outcome being a pregnant teenager, especially when the young women are characterized as real life idols.
I know I'm particular about what my kids read/watch, they have the rest of their lives to indulge in the attributes of adulthood, but ironically enough I firmly believe that a banned book is a book worth reading.​
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