What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

They are big and loud aren't they!

Yeah and the local breeds here in CT are the worst. Maybe next time I'll get eggs from down south.
I never want Java roos again...EVIL! (though tasty! ...they invite themselves to dinner quite well). I don't ever want bantams ('cause of size) or RIRs.

As for salmon Faverolles...mine were the sweetest...the roo and the hens (standards, not bantams). They were GREAT mom's, sweet and friendly. The roo was gentle too. Unfortunately a predator got my two hens, but luckily I got one of their purebred pullets (stupid dog killed the other one
The rest were Faverolle mutts). We fixed the one weak spot (that we didn't know we had) , but that doesn't bring my girls back. They are prone to being bullied, but they kept themselves occupied away from the bullies. I would get SFs again in a heartbeat!!
Polish .... never again. They are so blinded with their crest (I think) they would actually run into the fence, gate, posts, etc. Just don't like them at all.....

Serama .... don't like those little birds either.
I'm offended (not really) by all you people bashing Rhode Island Reds. My two hens do a great job of keeping all my other chickens in order. They use mind control, facial expressions, and the occasional beating to keep the others in line. Thanks to them I have a skittish flock although the two of them are calm as heck.

Oh, and they talk like no other chicken I have ever had. That's why they are named Chatty and Cathy.
bantam wyandottes-from hatcheries. haven't had any experience with breeder quality yet but i found the few i had were the meanest little birds to everyone in my pen! always hid their eggs and kept trying to eat the eggs laid by the other birds-never their own! would pull the combs and feathers from my other hens too! very loud, more than the other girls.
Right now you couldn't pay me to have another RIR! Mine is not mean, but dang, she's into EVERYTHING. Leave a door open, she walks though it. Gate? What gate???? She is NEVER with the flock and she INSISTS on laying eggs with the turkeys. What is she going to do when they go to freezer camp? Take credit? GOSH!!!

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