What did you do in the garden today?

That is one of the bad things about working in the power Equipment industry, when work is busy is when you want to be outdoors and often you don't have extra time or energy to get all the tasks complete.
When it is dead at work, it is also dead at home usually and you just want to get out and do something. Typical 1st world problems I guess. lol
Sorry you have the crud acre .. so far we have escaped it ... found a leak in the roof our one odd bedroom or something we have cats boxes, dog food cans misc. house supply there is a loft there to the right very short platform about enough for a full size mattress the outer wall had a small bubble on it .. time to bite the bullet see when we can have the roof done


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Good morning gardeners. Welcome to the thread @Japuvian, happy to have another gardener join our group. So my middle name really must be "Murphy" as in Murphy's Law. Regarding poor Suzy Q's demise: The temperatures in January average near 32F or below. Of course there's the January thaw. The temps are headed for the 40 - 55F range this coming weekend. Then milder than normal temperatures expected for next week. I guess I'll be needing a lot of ice. Onto gardening now. I decided to skip setting up starter pots in the basement and use my sunroom instead. That way I don't need to buy heating pads and extra lights or fans. I just need to organize it better than I did last year. I need to go through my leftover seeds and figure out just what I do need to buy make a list so I don't go crazy when I get to the store. I saved all the plastic pots from the plants I bought last year so that will save me money there. These are the nice heavy duty re-usable ones. I may go ahead and make the new raised bed 12 inches high like I should. I was hoping to cut down on the cost of dirt. It's pretty bad when dirt costs more than wooden boards. Then there's all that hauling buckets of dirt up the steps into the backyard. I guess that will be my Spring exercise program. Have a great day everyone.
@Wee Farmer Sarah - good decision on boards for raised beds. Yes, it definitely takes a lot of work to haul dirt and dirt is pricey here too. We will likely need some additional dirt, once we move the existing dirt piles and add the sand (heavy clay soil here), we will see what is needed. Then we will decide if we get loose dirt delivered or get bags.

looking forward to getting some good compost, but it’s going to take awhile for that. We just have piles and it needs to be turned. Harder to do in the winter!

One more sunny day before the weekend rainy weather begins to gives us overcast days. Supposed to get a few inches of rain this weekend from the storm brewing.

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