What did you do in the garden today?

Hey all. Nice out again today, but I see a bit of snow in the 10 day. It won't stick around long if it does snow.

Sat outside in the sun, staring at the garden trying to figure out what to do with the cover crop. I don't till so I'm not sure how I want to get rid of it, but whatever I do it's happening this weekend as my onion sets will be here tomorrow & I found the hoops for the tunnels. I want to try to start my lettuce ASAP.

I have another new layer. :yesss: I cleaned out the waterers with bleach & added some excelsior to the nest box in the little coop. My new layer has decided to lay there instead of venturing into the big coop - the old witches are mean so I don't blame her.

Patrick (the dog) caught a squirrel today. I grabbed his chain to get him to let it go & when he did the squirrel took off & he went after it leaving burns across all of my fingers. He has a bit of a cut on his leg too. I'm surprised, he doesn't usually care about the squirrels, it's always only been the chippies. :confused:
I tried to turn the compost pile. It's still frozen down inside. I scraped off layers and then stabbed at it with the pitchfork. I was able to break most of it apart. It's supposed to rain tonight/tomorrow, so that should help it soften up.

I don't mind it getting cold again. It's still way too early for trees and plants to bud out. I told my blueberries to wait a while yet. We surely don't need a repeat of the year we had 80s in March, then lost about 75% of the state's fruit crop.

I once had a (young) coworker say, "Wouldn't it be great to have snow in July?" I tried to explain why it would be a freaking disaster, but all he could say was, "Yeah, but it would be so cool to see it snow in July." :smack
2 packages of cloudy day are planted 22 cups with 48 plants. If doubles come up I'll transplant them into their own cups. There are only so many solo cups I can get in a tray under my higher domes.

When these germinate, I'll plant the SanMars and move the high domes.

I planted marigolds on top of the onions that didn't come up. The onions have a germination of 4 days and it's been 12.
Good afternoon gardeners. It’s windy here today and we have a slim chance for rain over the next few days. I was looking out at the shaded garden and the weeds :eek::oops: They’re everywhere! I really need to get out there and get them pulled. I’ve given the seedlings a few days of no water so will need to get out there tomorrow and do that in the morning. I have some things in the little yard to work on to prep for summer and some feed to stow away in the house. Have I mentioned that deep litter is fantastic here with ducks? It’s so dry that the moisture they provide really helps the litter breakdown and I don’t have to spray it down with a hose from time to time. Love that! Anyway, I have a pantry shelf to organize, I’m doing one a day rather than the the whole thing at once because of time. Have a great night all!

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